Viewing the Jobs List

Explore G.J. Manage's intuitive Jobs menu for efficient job oversight. Easily browse, filter, and mark favourites, enhancing workflow.

Patrick Haley avatar
Written by Patrick Haley
Updated over a week ago

G.J. Manage offers a user-friendly interface for streamlined job oversight. The Jobs menu is where you can browse your jobs list, filter by status, and mark favourites for quick access.

Note: Users must have the list/view jobs permission in their office role to be able to see the jobs list.

Key Job Details

Within the jobs list, essential details such as job number, customer name, and site address are prominently displayed. Utilise the search bar to further refine your search by entering relevant keywords. Additionally, job statuses are clearly indicated with colour-coded markers, making it easy to differentiate between active and finalised jobs. Access the Quality Assurance (QA) checklist directly from the jobs list through an intuitive icon to enhance workflow efficiency.

Favouriting Jobs

Users have the option to favourite jobs by simply clicking the star icon associated with each job. Favourited jobs are prioritised at the top of the list, ensuring quick access to frequently accessed tasks. This feature streamlines workflow by allowing users to easily manage their most important tasks.

List Filters

Upon accessing the job list, users initially view all assigned jobs using the "My Jobs" filter. This filter displays jobs where the user is designated as the supervisor, job admin, estimator, or salesperson in the General Tab of Job Details within the Builder Portal. To further refine their view, users can utilise the menu icon to toggle between different views, including active jobs, finalised jobs, and all jobs.

System administrators have an additional filter option to refine search results by state and office. Additionally, system admins default to viewing active jobs since they are not assigned any specific tasks.

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