How to hide or delete comments

This article shows you how to remove specific comments.

Søren Pommer avatar
Written by Søren Pommer
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways of removing comments in Gluu:

  1. delete them - if you made a typo. Simply click delete withn a 20 day time period (to avoid tampering with history):

  2. hide them from regular users if they are:

    1. irrelevant and should not show up in search results or be visible to users that visit the activity.

    2. closed or completed as tickets and therefore no longer relevant.

How you hide/show comments

Note! You need to be an Owner or Editor of the processes to see this option:

  1. Find the comment you want to hide.

  2. Click the show/hide icon for the comment that you want to hide (or show if you want to make a hidden comment visible again).

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