How to filter processes

Any user can use filters to quickly find the right processes across all categories and groups. Some may not be accessible to all.

Søren Pommer avatar
Written by Søren Pommer
Updated over a week ago

Applying filters

As a user, you may want to see only a selection of all the processes that are relevant to you. To find just the right collection you should use filters. For example, if you work in Marketing you may want to filter by the category 'Marketing' to only see these. If you work with GDPR you may want to filter on the tag 'GDPR' to show all those processes. 

All filters are saved and will be applied until the user changes them. This way you can focus on only the processes that matter to you.

The following filters can be applied in many combinations:

  1. 'Categories' - show only processes from selected categories.

  2. 'Group' - show only processes from selected groups.

  3. 'Roles'' - processes that involve specific roles.

  4. 'Label' - Show only processes tagged with specific label.

  5. 'Activity types' (example below) - see processes that have Risks, Customer Touch Points, etc.

  6. 'Owner' - show only processes that are owned by specific process owners.

  7. 'Process status' - see draft and live processes.

  8. 'Process visibility' - see private or public processes.

  9. 'Outcome' - filter your processes based on their outcome.

  10. 'Created' - filter based on start and end date.

  11. 'Last modified' - filter based on when the process was last modified. There is the the option of choosing between a set date or a relative/dynamic date range (for more on dynamic date ranges see the article on advanced filtering).

A user wants to find all Group-level processes that contain risky activities and are owned by Kate Middleton. So they set up the following filters:

  • Categories = 'Group'

  • Activity types = 'Risk'

  • Owner = 'Kate Middleton'

... and finds all the processes that meet these criteria.

Saving your custom filters

If there are certain filters that you keep reusing, you can save them so you don't have to fill out the same criteria over and over again! To save a filter:

  1. Click on the filter setting icon in the right corner.

2. Select to 'save filter'

3. Give your filter a name

4. Decide whether you wish to share the filter with your colleagues (Only users with 'Manage account' rights can share filters with everyone)

5. Save your filter!

Tip: Save all general filters with your colleagues so everybody has quick access to the information they need. Don't share filters that are only relevant to you, as you don't spam your colleagues :-)

Viewing your saved filters

To view your saved filters click on the filter setting icon. The list of your saved filters will show there.

Tags: Filters, filtering, search

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