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Setting up and using your Microsoft login
Setting up and using your Microsoft login

If you are already using Microsoft AD, it might be better for you to integrate Gluu with your Microsoft. Here is how.

Jacob Carstensen avatar
Written by Jacob Carstensen
Updated over a week ago

Creating a new account using Microsoft

If you're creating a new account then you can sign up with Microsoft (click the button here). This will add your organization's Azure 'tenant ID' automatically. Note that it is only possible if your company's security policy allows you to add new applications (typically you need to be an AD Admin user)

When you already have an account

By default Microsoft authentication is enabled. You should just select Microsoft and login if you have a business/work enabled Microsoft account on your e-mail address.

If only the Microsoft login option is enabled, you will be sent directly to Microsoft authentication. If your users can choose between Gluu / Google / Microsoft you will be presented with the options:

Step 1: Login as account owner and change the settings

Go to manage accounts to change the settings:

Step 2: Setup Microsoft Login

Go to manage accounts to change the settings here you can select "Microsoft auth" .

Azure Ad tenant id or Microsoft Role 1/2 should not be touched for just enabling single sign on (SSO).

Step 3: Add Tenant ID for OneDrive and Sharepoint integration

Tenant ID can be found in the Azure Portal ( and is used for connecting with OneDrive and Sharepoint.

Step 4: (optional) Configure Roles for restricted access to Gluu defined by your IT department in Azure AD

If you need to restrict roles you can require users to be a member of the two roles defined in the Gluu App in the Azure Portal. "Microsoft Role 1" means the role "Restricted Login" is required. "Microsoft Role 2" means the Restriced Login Secondary". If you check both, both roles needs to be added to the user in the Azure Portal. You can map a AD Role to this role.

You can find the settings in the Azure Portal under Enterprise Apps > Gluu > Users and Roles. Click "Add user/group" select a group or user in your Azure AD and then select the role "Restricted Login" or "Restricted Login Secondary" to add the users to the role.

Tags: Integrations, IT Support, Technical

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