How to create a printable employee CV

Employee CVs give you a great overview of your employee's roles and contact information.

Jacob Carstensen avatar
Written by Jacob Carstensen
Updated over a week ago

Whether you are hiring a new person, transferring responsibilities or figuring out your employee competencies, you will find out employee CVs relevant for you!

The employee CV gives you a detailed overview of all roles a specific employee has in your organization. And it is fully customizable!

To print an employee CV follow these steps:

  1. Go to your user list --> 'Users' in the left side menu

  2. Select your user

  3. A user drawer opens up on the right side

  4. Click on the 'print' icon by the user

5. Adjust what you wish to include in the employee CV or reorder employee roles

6. Click on 'Print' and the CV will automatically download

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