When you are familiar using the process diagram editor, you will want to add and specify the activities. An activity is a group of tasks that are done by a role. It produces an outcome, output or result for the next activity in the chain.
Pro Tip! Gluu provides you with more activity types for advanced process mapping. You can choose one of the following activity types: System, Control, Risk, Document, and Customer Touch Point. To learn more about activity types scroll down to advanced activity mapping in this article.
Add or edit an activity
Activities can be added and edited using the process creation wizard or using the drag and drop functionality. The wizard is launched by clicking "Wizard" at the top of the page and activities can be added or edited clicking "Add another activity" or the pencil icon.
Introduction to The Gluu Assistant.
Using the drag and drop functionality gives you a few extra options.
Click the activity icon in the menu and drag it to the canvas.
Reposition or resize if needed
Double-click on the activity to open the information box and describe the activity.
We recommend using active sentences, for example, “Prepare brief”. Then describe the outcome or deliverable of the activity.Continue adding activities. When an activity is placed inside a swimlane, you automatically assign the responsibility of that activity to the corresponding role for that swimlane.
When the activities have been named and the outcome defined, you should add work instructions explaining the activity to the user - Why is this activity important, What is the purpose of it and - How should it be completed.
Click the activity you want to edit in the left-hand sidebar navigation and it will open in full screen. You can add text, images and video as well as attaching documents and using Gluu components to make it clear for the person reading the work instruction how to carry out the activity.
You can also access the activity settings, the change log and add labels and tasks as well as edit them. For detailed information please see Create and add work instructions to activities.
TIP! If you are doing small changes to one or more activities, clicking the small "i" in the bottom right corner of the activity box brings up a drawer where you can edit the 'why' and 'how' section of the activity without leaving the process map overview. If you click the full-screen icon in the top right corner of the drawer, you are directed to the full-screen activity page with all editing options available.
Advanced activity mapping
Using activity subtypes to show risks, systems, controls and documents
(Note! Before you can use this feature you must have each subtype enabled in your 'account settings'. This can be done by the Account Owner.)
There is a maximum of six activity types available:
Risk: Use this to show activities that mostly involve risk - management, reporting, etc. E.g. an activity involving safety training.
System: Use this to show activities that are done by systems. This is useful to document what the system does as part of your process.
Control: Use this to define common business control procedures (these can then be reused across other processes so you avoid duplication of work and responsibility.)
Document: Use this to place common reference documents that are used in the process - or linked to from other processes.
Activity: This is the default blue box that is used for normal work instructions and tasks.
Customer Touch Point (not pictured): Use this to highlight activities where there is direct customer contact. This is useful for marking all activities that are part of your customer journey.
How to set an activity subtype
In order to change from the default blue activity box you should do the following:
open the activity in edit mode.
select the desired activity type using the dropdown
you have now selected an activity type with a special color and icon - these are also shown if you link to this activity from other processes.
This video gives an overview of how it is used:
Tags: Process mapping, process diagram, activity type, activity subtype.