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All CollectionsRecurring tasks, forms and case flows
Seeing, starting, and completing tasks
Seeing, starting, and completing tasks

How users see tasks, set them as 'in progress', completed and ensure they are logged with name, comment, place and time for easy reporting.

Søren Pommer avatar
Written by Søren Pommer
Updated over a week ago

Gluu lets you add tasks to activities in processes and let them start either by time (referred to as time-based or recurring tasks) or by a case (referred to as case-based tasks). This article covers the steps from when a task is started, shown to the user, and set as in progress or completed.

Where users find their tasks

Once a task is set to run, it will show to users with the right role (who is responsible for the activity that is the parent of the task) at the right time. Additionally, case-based tasks can be sent to specific users.

There are different ways for users to see and complete tasks:

  • The activity page shows you any live tasks. Live recurring (scheduled) tasks are also highlighted on 'My overview':

You can also see your personal tasks and your role's task under 'Tasks' in the left side menu.

  • Native apps for Android and iOS lets users focus only on the tasks and work instructions (without having to see anything else).

  • The case overview lets you see any cases that you participate in and their progress. It also lets you filter what tasks you want to see on cases (done, not started, to be done) by clicking the 'Settings' button in the top right corner of the case overview page.

Marking tasks as 'In progress' and done

Tasks will start at the set time or if conditions in a case have been met. They will show with a circle:

Once clicked on you can set the task to 'In progress' or 'Complete' depending on its status:

Tasks will then show as 'In progress' and be tied to a specific user, or 'Complete' with data on who completed it and when it was done.

Restarting a completed task​

If need be, you do have the option to restart a task incase you forgot to enter some information or made a mistake when typing:

  1. Click the completed task

  2. Choose restart

  3. Change or enter the needed information

  4. Complete the task

Using the Gluu iOS or Android apps to complete tasks

Any user can download a mobile app to see just the activities, work instructions, and tasks that are relevant to him or her. The app allows users to complete tasks and fill in forms:

Download them from here:

Use the cases overview to show tasks in running cases

On 'My overview' you also see the active running cases where you may play a part (since the tasks must be completed by a person with one of your roles).

This gives you a quick overview of the case progress and makes it easier to ensure that e.g. some IT supporter remembers to buy that new pc for your new colleague starting next week.

If you want a little more detail, you can click on the case, which gives you 3 different additional viewing options:

  1. The case overview unfolded shows you all details about activities and tasks

  2. The calendar view shows you how much time was spent on all tasks.

    1. Days in completed tasks (green) = time spent from task was activated till it was completed.

    2. Days in open tasks (orange) = time passed since task was activated

  3. The feed shows you all comments made during the duration of the case

Attaching/deleting photos and files on a scheduled or case-based task

When completing tasks you can attach and files using our desktop or mobile application. Simply click on your desired task before its completion and select the photos or files you need.

To attach files or photos you have to:

  1. Click on the task you wish to complete

  2. Go to the 'Files and images' tab

  3. Click 'Attach files' or 'Select or drop photos'

If you or one of you colleagues have used the file you want to attach before, you do not have to upload it again. You can simply choose it on the file list that appear when you click 'Attach files' in the *Files and images' tab of the task you are currently working on.

TIP! When using the mobile app for task completion, you can choose to add files from you library OR just let the app access the camera to take a photo that is then automatically attached to the task.

Photos added as part of task completion show in case reports. Learn more about reports her: Reporting on recurring, scheduled tasks and case-based tasks

Should you wish to remove a photo or a file from a task, simply go to the task, click the trash can on the photo or click 'Attach files' and deselect the attached file. You are able to do this as well as add additional photos or files after completing the task.

Tags: Calendar, task log, task report, task monitoring, case overview

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