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Creating forms to distribute with tasks

How to make your paper forms digital and publish them for distribution with tasks to the right role at the right time.

Søren Pommer avatar
Written by Søren Pommer
Updated over 9 months ago

If you have registrations that are done in paper forms outside of your systems, then you can use Gluu to make them digital. This shows you how to create forms and add them to recurring tasks.

Forms can be added to any task (in any activity in any process) and they enable you to capture data directly from the end user via telephone, tablet or pc. To access the form builder, simply click on your profile in the top right corner of Gluu.

Quick video intro to forms

Create, edit or delete forms

Forms are managed under 'Forms' on the left side menu. Here you can create a collection of forms that process owners and editors can use in their account.

Note! Only users with rights to manage forms can create, edit or delete them. All users with rights to manage specific processes can add forms to tasks.

This is how you add a new form when you’re in the form builder:

  1. Turn on the 'edit mode' and click to Add new form. This creates a new reusable form.

  2. Give your form a name and a description. This is the name that your process owners and editors will see when they’re adding forms to tasks.

  3. Drag and drop form elements to change the sequence

  4. Adjust the elements based on your need. For each element, you can decide if the element is required for users to fill in.

  5. You can delete a form element from your form by clicking on the trash icon of each element. Note! deleting a form field will only impact new forms filled in from the point of deletion. Forms that have been filled in before the update are not affected. This means that your historic data is safe, even if you edit forms.

  6. Duplicate a form element. You can duplicate any form element to the same form, or to other forms.

  7. Preview to see how your form will look to the people that should fill it out.

  8. Save your form.

Publish, or unpublish a form

Switch form to “on” to make it available to all your account’s process owners and editors. Forms that are published have a green indicator and forms that are in unpublished have a grey indicator.

Form tools and fields

There are a number of different fields and tools that you can use to create your forms. Below you can see how each is used.

General properties for all form tools

The form properties let you decide how each form element should look and behave:

  1. The label is the name of the field.

  2. Instruction text is a small text that shows underneath the input field. Here you can explain what you would like the end-user to add to the field.

  3. Choices (specific to the dropdown list tool.)

  4. Default choice lets you set a default choice. This is useful if answers often are the same.

  5. Required lets you decide is the field is mandatory to fill in. Users cannot submit forms if one or more mandatory fields have not been filled in.

Specific tools and their properties

You can see a list of available elements in the image below. You can read how they can be used and what their specific properties are below the image.


Use this if you want the user to add a number. This option does not allow for any text at all, only numbers.


Use this if you want the user to add a short text.

Long text

Use this if you want the user to provide a longer text answer.

Dropdown list

A dropdown list is used if you want the user to select from a list of choices that are typically longer than 5 items (if less then we suggest you use multiple choice.)


Use the checkbox tool to add checklists inside the form.

Multiple choice

This is useful if you want the user to select only one option.

Date picker

Add an option for the user to select a specific calendar date. Remember that the current date is automatically recorded when each form is submitted.


A text block is a headline or an explanation that you can add without any input fields. It is useful for e.g. adding a headline to your form.


Select an image file from your files inside of Gluu or upload an image.


Embed a video file from YouTube, SharePoint or any other platform that allows you to share an <iframe> embed code.


Create a quiz with at least two multiple-choice questions. You can set either one or several correct answers. This is especially useful if you are creating training forms.

Below you see an example of a safety training quiz where the form also includes a video:

Gluu lookup

The lookup tool allows you to add a field where the answer is limited to either users, processes or cases:


Using this tool in your form, you can ask the user to answer questions about competency levels, certificate issue dates etc.


The form tool allows you to embed another form into another. This is very useful if you have a list of machinery, tools, systems etc. that you only want to maintain in one place instead of multiple.

Advanced settings - Conditional fields

What if a field only should be filled out if a certain condition is met? You can create conditions with every element, by selecting advanced settings.

  1. Add the field that should show if a condition is met.

  2. Click Advanced settings to set the field that will decide if your condition is met.

  3. Set the value (the choice) that will result when the field is shown.

Below is an example of a condition, where a multiple choice element is only shown if the checkbox is checked.

Want to know how to use forms on task? Learn more here: Using and filling in forms

Tags: Form-builder, automatic form distribution

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