What is Gluu's technology stack?

Gluu is built on Microsoft .NET technology and delivered through the Azure cloud.

Søren Pommer avatar
Written by Søren Pommer
Updated over a week ago

Backend on .Net

Gluu is built on Microsoft’s ASP.NET MVC 4 framework. It is developed with an event sourcing architecture. This means that all user actions are tracked and stored as events:

“Events happen in the past. For example," the speaker was booked," "the seat was reserved," "the cash was dispensed." 

Events are immutable. Because events happen in the past, they cannot be changed or undone. However, subsequent events may alter or negate the effects of earlier events. For example, "the reservation was cancelled" is an event that changes the result of an earlier reservation event.”

Source: Microsoft

Open API based on Hypermedia principles

Features and services are exposed through an API that uses open REST protocols. 

Responsive interface based on the Twitter Bootstrap framework

Our interface is based on the Twitter Bootstrap, which ensures 100% compatibility with all modern web browsers and mobile devices.

Tags: Technical, IT Support, Servers, 

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