Adding Outcomes to a Scorecard

Create transparency around KPIs for your strategic plan by adding outcomes to scorecards in Elate.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Adding an Outcome

To add an outcome, navigate to a team you would like to assign the outcome to by clicking on the team name (if you have not set up your teams yet, check out this article first).

From the team page, select “Scorecard" at the very top.

Click “New Outcome" in the upper right-hand corner.

You will then see ways that you can visually track your progress for this outcome. Name your outcome and select the graph type that will best visualize what you are trying to measure.

Select "Update" in the bottom left corner of your newly created outcome.

Set goals you want to track for this metric. Goal values are what numbers you hope to achieve, and the current values are what the numbers actually are right now.

Goal values show as gray on the metric, and current values show as blue. Be sure to press "Save" when you're done.

You have now successfully created an outcome for your scorecard!

These steps show how to add a metric without connecting to a plugin. To bring real-time data into Elate, learn how to connect a plugin to your metric.

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