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Elate Quick Start Guide
The Importance of Updating Your Objectives
The Importance of Updating Your Objectives

Create transparency around a strategic plan that evolves with you. Collaborate across departments and celebrate the wins.

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

If you and your team are not consistently updating your objectives, you are deprioritizing the importance of your strategic plan. If you’re not checking in on your most important initiatives, it will lead to time being spent on less important projects.

How Elate Helps You Consistently Update Objectives and Execute Your Strategic Plan

Regular Check-In Cadence

When getting Elate set up, your Elate admin decided on a check in cadence for your company's objectives. With this check in cadence, your team will automatically get reminded at a set cadence (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) to update their objectives.

If you use a tool like Slack or Microsoft Teams, connecting that tool to Elate will help your team receive regular reminders in platforms they are already communicating in every day.

Reminders to Update Objectives

In addition to these automated reminders, you will also see a yellow flag in Elate if an objective needs to be updated. This yellow flag helps alert your team members if an objective's status is out of date.

Company Impact of Updating Objectives

When your team understands what information is up to date or out of date, they will perform better. Up to date information will help your team make better decisions, allowing for easier cross functional collaboration.

Knowing what objectives are behind or at risk will help surface any potential blockers. This information can help determine if action is needed to remove blockers, if there are new constraints that need to be considered, or if more discussion is needed around a particular initiative.

Finally, knowing what is on pace will help your team celebrate wins together, and will create excitement around when goals have been hit.

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