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Voucher types

We explain how to digitize your vouchers or unit vouchers.

Updated over 10 months ago



A type of voucher is a form of payment that consists of a prepayment by the customer. These vouchers can be of money (100€ for example) or units (10 green fees for example) and will be stored in each client's file for later use.

When the customer pays with this voucher, the corresponding amount will be deducted from his balance. The recharge, balance and movements of the voucher will be visible from reception as well as by the customer on the web, widget or app.

Voucher types can:

  • Be limited so that only one/some products can be paid for. For example, the "10 green fees voucher" can be limited so that you can only pay these green fees and not other products such as a buggy.

  • Not being limited and being able to pay for any type. With the "voucher purse" it is usually allowed to pay for any product or service of the club. However, there are cases of "restaurant vouchers" that are only allowed to be used for these products.

General Section

The fields that contain a voucher type are:

  • Name for this type of voucher. For example: 10 green fees voucher.

  • Product: Here we will select the product that we are going to invoice every time we recharge a voucher of this type. This product should be previously created. When creating the product, do not worry about the price as it will be set in this screen when creating the voucher type in the "balance" section.

  • Type: Here we will choose between the different voucher options:

    • Money. If we want our bonus to contain money. For example: 100€. When you pay a green fee of 50€, 100€ - 50€ = 50€ balance will be deducted.

    • Units. If we want our bonus to contain units. For example: 10 green fees. When you pay a green fee of 50€ with this type of bonus units, 1 unit will be deducted: 10 - 1 = 9 balance.

    • Products. This option is a mix of the previous options. This option allows you to offer your customers X amount of special prices. For example, there are golf courses that offer an annual subscription of 1.000€ that includes 100 green fees at 5€ each. Once the balance of 100 units is used up, the green fee goes back to the general price.

  • Tag. This field is optional in case you want to add a tag to every customer that buys the voucher, this would be an automatic process. If you add the tag after some customers had this voucher, the tag will be added to those that already have the voucher too.

  • Priority. This option is to assign a priority for the online organization of those voucher that are available in the website.

Differences between vouchers and deposits

In Golfmanager we have two ways to add money balances to a client's card: Vouchers and deposits.

The difference between a voucher and a deposit is that a voucher generates a ticket at the moment of the recharge while a deposit does not. The recharge of a voucher, when generating a ticket, will be exported to accounting as an invoice, while with the deposit it will be exported to accounting as a mere entry without an invoice.

When paying with a voucher, the system will deduct the total amount from the client's balance and will not issue a collection ticket, while a deposit will generate a collection ticket with the deposit payment method.

Balance section

  • Balance amount: Here we set the amount to be added to the balance with each recharge. For example "10" for a bonus of 10 green fees.

  • Unlimited balance: we will activate this option if we want the balance to be unlimited. Normally this option is limited by configuring the "restrictions" section below. It is useful for correspondence bonuses, for example, in which you are allowed to play 3 times a year and not to have to recharge with 3 units each year since the balance is unlimited, but with a limit of uses per year.

  • Price: Here we will put the price that we are going to charge the customer with each recharge. Following the previous example "200" to charge that price for 10 green fees.

  • Manage as deposit: Golfmanager by default, when paying with a voucher, changes the price of that product to 0€ so as not to duplicate billing. If we activate this option the system, instead of changing the price of that sale to 0€, will create a negative sale so that the total is 0€, but respecting the price of the original product.

Validity section

In this section we can optionally limit the validity of each voucher.

  • From - To: We will mark the date range in case we want it to have a fixed expiration date. For example, if we want these vouchers to be valid until 12/31.

  • Relative expiration: If we want each voucher to have a duration from the date it was purchased. For example "365d" if we want the customer to have his balance available for 1 year and the remaining balance to be deleted after that date. You can put "d" for days, "m" for months, "h" for hours.

  • Days of the week: If we want to limit the use of this bonus to certain days of the week. If the player tries to pay with this bonus on a day that is not allowed, he will see an error message.


In this section we can limit how this bonus can be used to pay.

  • Limit of uses as a payer. If we want to limit that the holder of this voucher cannot pay more than X times in a period per day, per week, per month or per year.

  • Limit of uses as payee. If we want to limit that a player cannot pay for a service more than X times in a period per day, per week, per month or per year.

These examples make sense for correspondence vouchers or membership invitation vouchers. You can create a correspondence voucher to control the number of times a player comes to our club, or the number of invitations that a member has used or his guest has enjoyed in a period.

Online sales

  • Online sale: Check this box if you want this voucher to be sold through the web.

  • Image: Select the image that will be shown when offering the purchase of this voucher on the web.

  • Description: and a description of the voucher for the web.

Allowed Products

In this section you have the option to limit a voucher type so that it can only be used to pay for certain products.

  • Product: Add the Product.

  • Ratio: is the number of units to be consumed from the voucher balance. To discount an amount other than 1 unit or the price per unit, you must indicate a ratio. For example: 0.5 deducts half and 2 deducts double.

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