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POS Buttons

We explain you how to create buttons for your POS

Updated over a week ago




In this article we will explain how to create a button in the POS. There are many types of buttons, from adding a product to reloading a voucher. And that makes Golfmanager POS one of the most powerful tools.

The buttons can be grouped into two types:

  • Folders. There are buttons that we will only need them to put more buttons inside it, acting as if it were a folder. For example "Favorites". To make these types of buttons we will simply have to leave the "command" field empty. To place a button inside this folder we will have to configure the "Depends on" field to be the "Favorites" button. The result will be that when we click on the favorite button we will see all the buttons that depend on it.

  • Actions. There are buttons that, when clicking on them, will create events according to the command we configure. Below we will detail all the commands you can use.

In the POS there are two areas of buttons:

  • Left column. This is where the folder type buttons are usually placed.

  • Central column. Where we will see the buttons of actions normally. In the central part of the POS also we will be able to put buttons of type folder if we wish it. For example, you can have the button "Rental sticks" in the central part and, when clicking on it, the buttons that we have placed inside it with the different models of rental sticks would be shown.


To create a button for the POS we will follow the steps below:

  • Priority: Here we can define the order in which the buttons will be shown in the POS. Put a "1" if you want the button to appear at the beginning, and a "100" if you want it to appear at the end.

  • Text: Name that will appear on the POS button. We recommend using the shortest name possible.

  • Depends on: Here we will choose the folder type button where we want to place this button. In case we want to show this button in the left column of the POS, this field should be left empty.

  • Box: Here we can define for which box this field will be visible. If you leave it empty the button will be visible for all the cash registers. This functionality is useful to customize a POS for the Pro Shop and another one for Restaurant.


Here we will define what event the system should perform when this button is clicked. If you leave it empty the button will act as a folder. We detail all the commands you can perform and their event:

  • Popular

    • Add product. This is one of the most used commands. Clicking this button will add the product to the cart. To complete the configuration of this button you must fill in the following field "Product".

    • Send for online payment. This button will send an email to the customer with the pending sale lines to be paid for online. When paid online, this sale will appear in green (paid").

    • Generate invoice. To issue a complete invoice for this sale.

    • New quota. To be able to create an installment to a customer. When you choose this command, the system will offer you the possibility to fill in the following field "Quota". If you leave it empty, when you click the button, a window with an empty "Quota" field will appear and you will have to select it manually. However, if you set the button with a fee in that next field, that window will appear open with that fee type already selected.

    • New reservation. To be able to make an extra type of reservation. These types of reservations are usually sold from the POS, and for that you will need a button. To complete the configuration you will need to select in the following field "Type of reservation" what type of reservation will be made when you click on the button.

    • New sale. To open a new sale without clicking on the Golfmanager main menu.

    • New voucher. To be able to recharge a voucher to a client. When you choose this command, the system will offer you the possibility to fill in the following field "Type of voucher". If you leave it empty, when you click the button, a window with an empty "Voucher" field will appear and you will have to select it manually. However, if you set the button with a bonus type in that next field, that window will appear open with that bonus type already selected.

    • New deposit. To be able to recharge a deposit to a client.

  • Other buttons

    • Open cash drawer. To open the cash drawer manually.

    • Park sale. To park a sale that you want to recover later.

    • Add comment. To open a text box where you can comment the sale. The comment will be visible only by our team, and not by the player.

    • Add public comment. To open a text box where you can comment the sale. The comment will be visible by our team, and also by the player on the ticket.

    • Add description. To open a text box and add this text to the description of the item we have selected.

    • Add discount. To apply a discount to the sale. To complete the configuration of this button you will have to define the amount of discount in the next field "Discount". You can add the discount directly from the keyboard without a button, but it is usually used when a club has very frequent fixed discounts, for example "15% for being a member".

    • Add label. To add a label to the sale lines of the cart. This functionality is usually used in the restaurant "Extra potatoes", "No cheese", etc.

    • Cancel payments on account. To cancel payments on account of a sale.

    • Configure customer. To open a window where you can choose a customer and assign the selected sales to him. In the keyboard we already have this type of button by default.

    • Configure coupon. To add the code of a coupon to the selected sales lines. Useful for tour operators who ask for these "locators" in their invoices.

    • Split line. To be able to split a sales line in 2 or more parts. For example, if they want to pay you an annual fee of 1.000 ¤ in 3 parts: 500 ¤ now, 250 ¤ later, and 250 ¤ still later. When you click on this button, a screen will open where you will put separated by spaces the different amounts "500 250 250". When you click on "accept" you will see how the sales line you had selected becomes 3 lines with the amounts you have chosen. You will see that the units have also been updated proportionally. In this way you can pay one of the three lines and leave the other two unpaid.

    • Execute action. To be redirected to another page. To complete the configuration of this button you will have to fill in the following field with the link where you want to go when you click this button.

    • Send ticket by email. To send the ticket of that sale by email to the customer.

    • Print gift ticket. To print a gift ticket of that sale, but without showing the price.

    • Print sale. To print a ticket with the sale, but without the payment method. This functionality is more common in the restaurants to be able to show to the client the bill to proceed to the payment.

    • Print sale with taxes.

    • To show parked sales. To show a window with all the parked sales to be able to recover and to work with them.

    • Show last sales. To show a window with the last sales to be able to recover and work with them.

    • Reservations by days: move lines. This field is designed for hotel and to be able to make "room charges". By clicking on this button the system will open the reservation plan for you to select the room to charge this sale. This way this sale (restaurant, store, etc.) will be unified with the room bill.

    • Restaurant: add starter. This field is designed for restaurants. It will serve you to mark a dish as "starter" and thus be better grouped in the ticket and digital kitchen module.

    • Restaurant: add dessert. This field is designed for restaurants. It will help you to mark a dish as "dessert" and thus better group it in the ticket and digital kitchen module.

    • Restaurant: add main course. This field is designed for restaurants. It will help you to mark a dish as "main course" and thus better group it in the ticket and digital kitchen module.

    • Restaurant: add main course. This field is designed for restaurants. It will help you to mark a dish as "second" and thus be better grouped in the ticket and digital kitchen module.

    • Restaurant: count diners. This field is designed for restaurants. It opens a text box where you can mark the number of diners of that table. There is an advanced option that forces you to enter the number of guests when selecting the table.

    • Restaurant: print text.

    • Restaurant: print ticket.

    • Restaurant: move lines. This field is designed for restaurants. You can use it to move the selected dishes and drinks from one table to another.


In this section you can customize the appearance of your button to create a spectacular POS.

  • Top bar color: You can choo. a color and the system will paint on the top of the button a line of that color. Useful to visually group certain buttons into categories.

  • Border color: You can choose a color and the system will paint the border of the button in that color. Useful to visually group certain buttons into categories.

  • Background color: You can choose a color and the system will paint the background of the button in that color. Useful to visually group certain buttons into categories.

  • Text color: You can choose a color and the system will paint the text of the button in that color. It will serve you to improve the contrast with the chosen background color.

  • Image: Adds an image to the button and makes the button very usable. We recommend using JPG images with white background or PNG.

  • Height: Indicates the height of the button.

What is priority in Golfmanager?

In many occasions you will come across the word priority in Golfmanager, either when creating a type of booking, a tpv button, a client's bank account, a timetable, etc...

Here we explain some examples of priorities:

  • The priority in booking types, helps us to show the bookings higher or lower in the dropdowns.

  • The priority in POS, helps us to organize the POS buttons, those with lower priority will be shown at the top.

  • The priority in account number, in case the client or company has two account numbers, the program will select the account with the lowest priority.

  • The priority in time interval, helps us to indicate which interval prevails over the other, the one with the lowest priority will act first.

In summary the priority helps us to choose which elements act in front in case of having repeated values or to show the vision of elements to our liking.

For more questions about priorities please contact our support team.

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