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What is gift swapping?
Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago

With Goody, you never have to worry about your recipient loving their gift. Recipients have the unique option of swapping a gift for another gift of equal or lesser value.

If a recipient opts to "swap" a gift item, they're given a selection of products to choose from that have a product price + shipping price equal to or less than the original gift.

For example, if you sent a gift that was $20 plus $10 shipping, the total product + shipping price is $30. Your recipient can swap to a gift that is $25 with free shipping, but not a gift that is $30 plus $5 shipping.

Note: If you send an alcoholic beverage gift your recipient can swap to a non-alcoholic gift or other item, however they cannot swap a non-alcoholic or other gift item for an alcoholic beverage gift.

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