Each brand has their own return/exchange policy and it may vary depending on item. If you plan to request a return/exchange for your item - it must be requested within 14 days of delivery or we may not be able to accommodate your request. Note you may be responsible to cover the cost of return shipping, depending on the specific policy of the gift received.
Items shipped to recipients outside of the USA are not eligible to be returned or exchanged unless there is a quality issue with the item and it arrived broken or damaged.
*Please note that not all brands allow their products to be returned or exchanged. If you have a question about your product please reach out to our support team. Some examples of non-returnable items are retail gift cards, digital subscriptions, custom branded merchandise, monogram or custom logo items, live plants, flowers and perishable food items.
*Gift cards and subscriptions are non-refundable once the redemption code has been fulfilled to the recipient
Please send us a message via live chat on our website or email us at support@ongoody.com for help!