β If you do not see a feature update on your admin portal, try giving your browser page a refresh. If you still don't see the update, reach out to us!
Pet Owner Credit and Wallet Management
Admin users now can:
Add to a pet owner's wallet outside of a refund
Add to a pet owner's package credit balance outside of a purchase
Remove a pet owner's package credits outside of a purchase
Adjust the expiration date on an expired package
View the discount applied to the primary offer when paying with a credit
This credit used to pay this invoice has a value of $30, meaning the pet owner is being given a $20 discount on their daycare stay, which normally costs $50 for non-package credit users.
Refund credits used on an invoice payment
Admin users can now set arrival and departure times across Boarding and Daycare when making a reservation
Specify arrival and departure times when making a new booking
Times available for selection are not limited by open hours, check in hours, or check out hours (same as edit currently)
Times may be required based on configuration setting.
Specify one arrival time and one departure time when making a booking (regardless of how many days of daycare you are booking)
Times available for selection are not limited by open hours or the type of daycare selected.
Times may be required based on configuration setting.
Cat grooming offers are now available