CRM search is now more structured, allowing admin users to narrow searches to better results.
Admin users can search by Last Name, Pet First Name, Owner First Name, Phone Number, or any combination of those fields.
Admin users can now start a booking from CRM search results
Grooming Scheduler
The grooming calendar is now available to view in full-week increments.
Admin users can:
Drag and drop appointment requests to schedule them.
Create appointments or blocks directly on the calendar.
Arrival & Departure Policy
Added additional information regarding the arrival and departure policy, as well as the times selected by the pet owner on:
Payment page
Order confirmation page
Order confirmation email includes a link that refers back to the purchase summary page
Purchase summary
Pet owner names will now appear on the "Who's Here" list print view.
Reports & Exports
Added the ability to see which location a user was created within a multi-location shared CRM.