👋 Some features mentioned in this article are only available to Goose OS customers - please reach out to support@goose.pet if you'd like more information on how to upgrade.
🕙 Setting a Check-In and Check-Out Policy
Set policies around when your customer checks in/out. Gain more control over your day and get compensated for going above and beyond for your customers.
💰Financial and Occupancy Reporting
The first in a series of reports that will help you gain deeper insights into your business.
Analytics by Service Date:
Total Rooms Nights
Total Room Days
Total Pet Nights
Total Pet Days (Boarding)
Total Pet Days (Daycare)
Metrics By Service Date:
Average Nightly Room Rate (Boarding) - The average nightly room rate for boarding main offers over a given time period
Average Daily Room Rate (Boarding) - The average daily room rate over a given period of time
Average Nightly Pet Rate (Boarding) - The average nightly rate for each pet at the facility over a given period of time
Average Daily Pet Rate (Boarding) - The average daily rate for each pet at the facility over a given period of time
Average Daily Pet Rate (Daycare) - The average daily rate for each pet at the facility over a given period of time
Average Pets Per Room - The average number of pets in each room over a given period of time
🔧 Admin Portal Improvements
Configurable tax settings. Tax is configured at the primary service level and applies to all items in an invoice.
Create and edit Room Upgrades and Pet Perks.