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SMS Communicator
Chris avatar
Written by Chris
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The SMS communicator allows you to send SMS messages directly to your customer from within GorillaDesk.

You will need to make sure you have the SMS Text Messaging addon enabled.

The SMS communicator can be opened in the following areas:

  • At the bottom right corner of the calendar after selecting a job

  • In the lower right corner of the customer's profile

  • In the INBOX > SMS tab

  • In the INBOX > SMS tab > Sent

If you have more than one SMS number assigned to the location, you will have the ability to filter incoming messages per phone number.

Note: If you have more than one SMS number assigned to a location, both numbers will be enabled by default when sending an SMS message unless de-selected first.

You will have the ability to filter messages sent by a specific user or users.

  • Technician users will receive a push notification when a customer sends a text.

  • Conditions applied: They will only receive a notification if there is an active job assigned to them for that customer.

  • Technicians will no longer receive C and R (confirmation) notifications.

If you have more than one SMS number assigned to the location, you will have the ability to select which number you would like your message to be sent to.

Easily add SMS variables that will automatically pull certain data into the SMS message, emojis, and attachments by using the icons at the bottom of your SMS bot.

SMS Template

  • We've integrated SMS templates into our templates feature. This allows you and your technicians to save common SMS content for easier messaging.

  • Create your SMS templates in Settings > Templates tab > SMS Templates

  • The SMS template icon will be available upon opening the SMS communicator

Begin by creating your templates:

  1. Go to Settings > Templates > SMS templates > and click the + Add new button

  2. Enter the SMS template name and its content. The preview will display alongside as you type the message. Additionally, link variables are available for your use.

    Click the 'Save' button once you have finished.

Now you are ready to use these templates when sending SMS to your customers

  1. Open the SMS communicator, click on the template icon

  2. To view the content of each template, hover your cursor over it; you will see the content displayed alongside it.

    Simply click on the template to load to the SMS box or click the 'Use Template'

  3. For users with permission to access the Settings tab, you will see a 'Manage Templates' option. Clicking on it will direct you to the SMS Templates page in Settings

SMS Communicator on the mobile app


keywords: SMS messaging, SMS communicator


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