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Dynamic Estimates and Estimate Packages
Dynamic Estimates and Estimate Packages
Catherine avatar
Written by Catherine
Updated over 4 months ago

GorillaDesk's Estimate Packages feature allows users to offer multiple service package choices within a single estimate, giving customers the flexibility to select the specific services they want to purchase.

Note: This feature is accessible on the V3 desktop and the mobile app. Available only to Growth Plan users.

You can begin by enabling the Dynamic Estimates addon on your desktop.

1. Go to Addons and click the toggle next to Dynamic Estimates to enable this feature.

2. Next, you need to enable the Dynamic and Package types so they will appear as package type options when you create a new estimate.

a. Dynamic Estimate - Dynamic estimates enable you to include optional and recommended items, providing your customers with customizable choices to enhance their selections.

b. Estimate Package - Estimate Package enables you to bundle items into comprehensive packages, allowing customers to choose the option that best fits their needs and budget.

When you are finished, you can now begin creating new estimates.

1. On the calendar, click the '+' icon on the header, and choose "New Estimate" option.

2. In the new estimate modal, click on the Type dropdown menu and select the type of estimate you want to create.

Basic Estimate

This is a standard estimate where the customer can either accept or decline the entire offer.

Basic Estimate PDF Preview:

Dynamic Estimate

The items in this estimate can be tagged as Required, Recommended, or Optional. Customers can only select items tagged as Recommended or Optional; Required items cannot be removed from the estimate.

Note: Switching a Dynamic-type estimate into Packages will combine all items into a single package. This action cannot be undone.

This is how it will looks like in the customer's end when you request for an e-signature.

Customers can select from the recommended and optional items before signing and accepting the estimate.

Dynamic Estimate PDF Preview:

Estimate Packages

You can offer various package options in this estimate type. The package can consist of multiple items. Customers can choose the option that fits their needs and budget.

When creating this type of estimate, you'll be asked to provide a package name

You can also assign color to your packages.

To add another package, click the "+ Add Package" button and add items.

Delete specific packages by clicking the 'Delete Package'.

Note: Switching the Package-type estimate to Basic will remove the item grouping and make them regular items. Switching it to Dynamic will make items required and cannot be undone.

This is what it will look like on the customer's end when you request an e-signature.

Customers can select the package that they need before signing and accepting the estimate.

Estimate Package PDF Preview:

To save time creating an estimate, use an estimate template. Feel free to check the Estimate Template article to know more about estimate templates.

To use an estimate template, click on the Template dropdown.

You can filter the list according to the estimate type you need or you can search for the specific template.

Mobile Access

This is also available in the GorillaDesk mobile app.

You can create a new estimate or edit an existing one.

  1. When creating a new one, you will need to select a customer, assign the estimate to a location, and choose a line item.

  2. Once you are on the Estimate page, you can now select the estimate type you prefer and add line items to it.

  3. For Dynamic type estimates, you can assign whether each item is required, recommended, or optional.

  4. For Estimate Packages, you can click the pen icon add a name to each package and to assign a package color.

  5. Alternatively, you can use the estimate templates you created on the V3 desktop. Just click on the Select Estimate Templates dropdown and select the template that you need.


  1. You cannot use the dynamic estimate and estimate packages on a basic plan; the template will automatically revert to a basic estimate.

  2. You cannot use the dynamic estimate and estimate packages if the add-on is OFF; the template will automatically revert to a basic estimate.

  3. You cannot open a dynamic or estimate package in the Classic version. It will redirect you to V3.

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