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Private Hypnotherapy Sessions
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How Much Do Private Hypnotherapy Sessions Cost?
How Much Do Private Hypnotherapy Sessions Cost?

This article includes a breakdown of all costs related to Private Hypnotherapy sessions with a hypnotherapist trained by Grace Smith.

Updated over a week ago

Cost For Private Sessions

The investment for a 1 month package (4 sessions, 1 per week) is $150 per session.

This is billed monthly at $600 per month. You are automatically billed monthly and can cancel your subscription online any time. Cancelling your subscription any time during your current billing period will cancel auto-pay for your next billing period. Meaning if you purchased a subscription on May 25th and decided to cancel it on June 15th, your auto-billing for June 25th will be cancelled and sessions cannot be prorated. By purchasing one month of subscription, you get to have 4 sessions scheduled any time during the month (ideally weekly).

If you require information on how to cancel your subscription please CLICK HERE.

Are there any additional costs?

Grace Space Hypnotherapists often assign hypnotherapy recordings as "homework" to their clients. Therefore, during the time that you work together, all private clients must be an active Grace App Member ($19.99 per month or $119.94/year if billed annually).

To register to the Grace Space App, click here and get started with a 7-day Trial:

After your sessions are complete, clients may cancel their membership at any time as there are no contracts other than this stipulation for private sessions.

If you would like further instruction on how to cancel your Grace Space App subscription. Please CLICK HERE.

With Love,

Team Grace Space

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