Offer a community rewards center to recognize your contributors with gifts, swag, and other items available for redemption.
This element of the contributions feature utilizes the Points + Badges mode and will not appear in your dashboard unless it is enabled. This is an additional module so reach out to the Gradual team if you'd like to add this element to your community.
Contributors will utilize points to redeem for rewards. They will earn these points through various set contributions in your community.
Make sure to follow these steps to establish the point values for your community contributions in the dashboard before you build your rewards center, so that rewards are adequately "priced".
Lifetime vs. Redeemable points
These point values can be seen on a member's profile in the dashboard, and also in member exports.
Lifetime points: The total points recorded for a member, including those points that have been redeemed.
This point value is what is displayed on a member's profile
This point value is used for the contributor board ranking
Redeemable points: The total points available for redemption. Only includes points that have not been redeemed in the past from the rewards center.
This point value is only displayed to the member
You can bulk upload or manually add contributions and points to your members' profiles following these steps.
If you'd like to backfill points for your members, reach out to the Gradual team.
Add items to your reward center so contributors are encouraged to earn points and redeem them for valuable things. You can offer physical items like mugs, notebooks, etc., or digital items like gift certificates.
Adding a new reward item
From the dashboard, click on the Contributors tab and select Rewards.
Click on the +Reward button on the top right.
Each reward must have a Title, a Picture (image), and Cost (price, in points).
The Description field is optional but will give your members a chance to learn more about the item.
Under Inventory, enable Track quantity if you'd like to track the item's quantity. Enter the current inventory quantity if enabled.
Under Advanced Settings:
If Require Shipping Address is checked, users will be asked to provide their shipping address during checkout. You can also add a shipping policy.
By setting Redemption limit per member, you can decide how many times a member can redeem that item. The default value is 1, and accepted values range from 1 to 9,999.
Under List for redemption, you can choose to list the item immediately upon adding it or keep it unlisted until you're ready.
Click on Add Reward to finish adding the item.
Limit how many times a member can redeem a reward item
By setting the value for Redemption limit per member under Advanced Settings, you can limit the number of times a member redeems each reward. Set quantities from 1 to 9,999, so a user can only redeem each item one time, or multiple times.
Note: The default value for Redemption limit per member is 1.
Limit Reward visibility with Spaces
You can limit which members can view or redeem rewards with spaces. On the specific reward, you can choose to have the reward visible and redeemable by anyone, only members, or specific spaces.
Editing reward items
From the Rewards page, you can change details on rewards, set them as unlisted (or hidden), or change the order in which the items appear.
From the dashboard, click on the Contributors tab and select Rewards.
To edit an individual reward, select the title of the reward, or the edit icon in line with that reward.
Change any of the elements of the reward and select 'Save Reward' to save your work.
To change the order of rewards on the front end, navigate to the Rewards page in the dashboard, and to the Listed tab. Drag and drop the items to the order you prefer.
Viewing the Reward list
You can see the list of all reward items, either listed or unlisted, from the Rewards page in the dashboard.
You can sort the reward items by listed or unlisted to see what's currently visible or hidden from members on the community website, or search for a specific reward item.
For each reward item, you'll be able to see its name, cost, creation date and creator, how many times it was redeemed, inventory quantity, access restriction, and whether it is listed or unlisted.
Adding or editing a shipping policy
You can provide a shipping policy that will be displayed during the checkout process for reward items which require a shipping address.
From the dashboard, click on the Contributors tab and select Rewards. Then, click on Shipping Policy Settings on the top right.
The policy you list must be no more than 200 characters.
For reward items requiring a shipping address, users will see the shipping policy you set during the checkout process.
Redemption Orders
All orders placed by your members will appear in the Redemption Orders tab in your dashboard. This is a great place to see current & past orders, and take action on refunds or shipped items.
Data & Exports
The system will show you when all requests were made, by which member, and any notes provided by the member. You can also navigate to the users' profiles from here.
Export this list by selecting 'Export' in the upper right, and the system will send a CSV file of all this information to the email inbox of the dashboard admin requesting the export.
Process or Refund orders
Take action on redemption requests from this tab to mark the item as processed, or refunded.
Process request
Mark when a redemption request is being processed by navigating to the Redemption Orders tab, selecting the edit icon in line with the request, and selecting 'Mark as Processed'. The system will prompt you to confirm your action.
Currently, the platform will not alert the contributor when an item has been processed or shipped, but it will email them if it is refunded and their point value is refunded.
Refund request
Mark when a redemption request cannot be fulfilled, and the item must be refunded.
You must select why the redemption is being refunded, so the member can be notified of the reasoning.
Here are the refund reasons you can select from:
Item Out of Stock or Unavailable
Order Cancellation
Defective or Damaged Item
Incorrect Item Received
Shipping Delays or Issues
Points Miscalculation
Limited Time or Promotional Items
Event or Service Cancellations
Redemption not approved
Once confirmed, it will alert the member of the refund by email, and allocate those points back to their redeemable points bank immediately.