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Setting up Automated Interview Reminders & Follow-ups
Setting up Automated Interview Reminders & Follow-ups

Follow this step-by-step guide to get started

Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over 4 months ago

With Grayscale's Interview Scheduled Automations, just schedule your interviews and we'll do the rest 😉

You can use your favorite scheduling tool (GoodTime, Calendly, EasyBook, etc.), and as long as the date/time is saved in your ATS, you can trigger automated interview reminders & post-interview follow-ups!

Note: Interview Scheduled automations are only available with Greenhouse and Lever integrations

Interview Scheduled Automation

We recommend setting up at a few separate automations for Interview Reminders, representing each of your primary interview types (phone screen, on-site interview, etc). This ensures your reminders are hyper-relevant to the type of interview.


  1. Navigate to Automations and click New

  2. Enter a name for your automation (be descriptive to make it easier to find later)

  3. Determine which job(s) you want this automation to execute on, you can choose from:

    • All Jobs (only available for Admins)

    • All My Jobs (only available for Greenhouse ATS)

    • For Specific Jobs

    • Only for jobs that contain (keywords)

  4. Select Interview Scheduled as the event trigger

  5. In the Candidate section, you can apply these optional filters:

    • Stage – This will allow you to customize your reminders based on the interview stage the candidate is on, so the reminders feel personalized and relevant. If left empty, this automation will send whenever a candidate has moved into any interview stage and the interview is scheduled in your ATS.

    • Tags – Select the relevant ATS tags to narrow your audience down even further

  6. In the Actions section, select the Wait time. Choose from these options:

    • Day before interview

    • 24 hours before interview

    • Morning of interview

    • More on the Wait options here

  7. Craft your message! Make sure to take advantage of our contextual snippets to personalize the reminder with key info from your ATS. Personalization snippets include:

    • Interview Date & Time – {{ interview.start_at }}

    • Interview Team – {{ }}

    • Job Name – {{ }}

    • Candidate First & Last name – {{ profile.first_name }} {{ profile.last_name }}

    • Sender Full Name – {{ }}

    • Sender First/Last name – {{ sender.first_name }} {{ sender.last_name }}

    • Note: For Same Day Interviews, such as Panel Interviews, you can decide whether to send one message for each individual interview or to send one message for all interviews combined that are occurring on the same day.

  8. Add up to 3 nudges to ensure those candidates schedule their interview without having to reach out manually!

  9. Add Followers to be notified of responses from candidates.

  10. And Save!

Post-Interview Follow-Up Automation


  1. Navigate to Automations and click New

  2. Enter a name for your automation (be descriptive to make it easier to find later)

  3. Determine which job(s) you want this automation to execute on, you can choose from:

    • All Jobs (only available for Admins)

    • All My Jobs (only available for Greenhouse ATS)

    • For Specific Jobs

    • Only for jobs that contain (keywords)

  4. Select Interview Scheduled as the event trigger

  5. In the Candidate section, you can apply these optional filters:

    • Stage – This will allow you to customize your reminders based on the interview stage the candidate is on, so the reminders feel personalized and relevant. If left empty, this automation will send whenever a candidate has moved into any interview stage and the interview is scheduled in your ATS.

    • Tags – Select the relevant ATS tags to narrow your audience down even further

  6. In the Actions section, select the Wait time. Choose from these options:

    • After interview completed

    • 1 day after interview

    • 2 days after interview

    • More on the Wait options here

  7. Craft your message! Make sure to take advantage of our contextual snippets to personalize the reminder with key info from your ATS. Personalization snippets include:

    • Interview Date & Time – {{ interview.start_at }}

    • Interview Team – {{ }}

    • Job Name – {{ }}

    • Candidate First & Last name – {{ profile.first_name }} {{ profile.last_name }}

    • Sender Full Name – {{ }}

    • Sender First/Last name – {{ sender.first_name }} {{ sender.last_name }}

    • Note: For Same Day Interviews, such as Panel Interviews, you can decide whether to send one message for each individual interview or to send one message for all interviews combined that are occurring on the same day.

  8. Add up to 3 nudges to keep your candidates engaged!

  9. Add Followers to be notified of responses from candidates.

  10. And Save!

Interview Scheduled Wait Options

Wait selection options

When reminders will send

24 hours before interview

Approximately 24 hours prior to the scheduled interview time

Day before interview

Around 7am the day before the scheduled interview

Morning of interview

Between 7-8am

After interview completed

1 hour after the end time (if specified), and 2 hours after the start time (if end time not specified)

1 Day after interview

24 hours after scheduled start time of the interview

2 Days after interview

48 hours after scheduled start time of the interview

Need some inspo? Try out these templates.

Interview Status

Suggested Template

Phone Screen Scheduled Reminder

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, {{ sender.first_name }} @ [Company Name] here! I'm looking forward to our phone interview on {{ interview.start_at }} for the {{ }} position. If you need to reschedule, please reply and let me know.

On-site Interview Scheduled Reminder

Hi {{ profile.first_name }}, we're looking forward to your interview for the {{ }} position with {{ }} on {{ interview.start_at }}. The interview will take place at [Location]. If you can't make it or have any questions, please reply and let me know.


Friendly reminder that your onsite interview with [Company Name] is at {{ interview.start_at }} at [Location]. Text Y to confirm you will be attending!

-{{ sender.first_name }} @ [Company Name]

Interview Follow-up

After interview completed (day of)

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! On behalf of {{ }}, we truly appreciate your time today. Please let me know if you have any lingering questions.

All the best,

{{ sender.first_name }} @ [Company Name]


Hi {{ profile.first_name }}. How'd the interview go today with {{ }} for the {{ }} position? I'd love your feedback when you get a minute!


1 Day after interview

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! How'd the interview go yesterday with {{ }} for the {{ }} position? I'd love your feedback when you have time!


2 Days after interview

Hey {{ profile.first_name }}! On behalf of {{ }}, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for interviewing for the {{ }} position with us. We are inviting you to take a ~3 minute survey to learn more about your experience with the interview process: [survey snippet here]


What if I need to reschedule my interview? Will Interview Reminders still work?

Yep! If you have to reschedule the interview, Grayscale will send a reminder for the newly scheduled interview time.

What if I only want to set up interview reminders only my jobs? Is that possible?


  • With our Greenhouse integration, you can select All My Jobs from the Job filter.

  • With our Lever integration, it will be a little more manual. You'll want to select For Specific Jobs and then search for the job(s) that you'd like your automation to execute on.

I don't see my Interview Reminders displaying in the conversation when I open up Grayscale.

There is about a 2-minute delay from when the Interview Reminder is triggered and when it's actually sent. Be patient and it should appear soon.

If I use Panel Interviews, will my candidate get an Interview Reminder for each part of the Panel Interview?

You can decide! If you check the box next to Send one message for interviews occurring on the same day for the same job, then Grayscale will send a single reminder to a candidate when they have multiple interviews scheduled on the same day. If the interviews are scheduled over the course of a few days, then Grayscale will send one reminder per day.

Experiencing issues?

If your interview reminders aren't working, please chat with us below and we'll help troubleshoot with you.

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