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Getting Started with Recruiting Bulk Messaging
Getting Started with Recruiting Bulk Messaging

The basics of Bulk Messages + Nudges for Recruiting

Lydia Dennard avatar
Written by Lydia Dennard
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Need to message multiple candidates at once? Want to create a nurture campaign to get the word out about an open job? Bulk Messages was built for you. 💪

Grayscale’s Bulk Messaging capabilities allow you to reach out to multiple candidates or prospects at once, in a personalized, individualized way. It’s perfect for messaging all candidates at a certain stage in the candidate journey or re-engaging silver-medalist candidates or prospects.

Get Started in a Few Simple Steps

Creating a New Bulk Message

Step 1 – Create a new bulk message

To create a Bulk Message, click NEW from the dashboard.

Step 2 – Give it a name

The Bulk Message Name is only visible internally, so give it a name that will make it easily searchable by you or your team (give it a descriptive name for easy recall). Some examples:

  • S_Abello Atlanta Hiring Event 8/25/23

  • Sam_A 8/25

Step 3 – Select your audience

After you name your Bulk Message, you'll select your Audience. You can select from the following options:

  • Individuals

  • List

  • Job(s) – Multi-Job Selection coming soon!

  • Prospect Pool (Greenhouse ATS only)

Coming Soon!

Multi-Job selection is now available for Bulk Messages!

You'll then be able to choose the audience type: Static or Dynamic.

  • 'Static Audience' defined: Grayscale will lock in the list of candidates or prospects immediately once you save the bulk message, and regardless of how many people might match the rules at the time the message is scheduled, we will keep the list at time of creation.

  • 'Dynamic Audience' defined: Grayscale will match the list at the time of the scheduled message. For example, if you scheduled a bulk message for 2 days later, and then added 4 additional people to the list, Grayscale would send to the added candidates as well.

Step 4 – Craft your message

Once you select your audience and audience type, you’ll want to craft your message.

You can apply an existing template, or craft a message from scratch.

Note: We have added “Opt-out” language to the end of every bulk message. It will be automatically applied by default, but you can uncheck it if you choose not to add it. We strongly recommend keeping this checked as it significantly helps with SMS deliverability.

Step 5 – Add follow-ups

Add up to three Nudges, which is a great way to automate the follow up with candidates if they are unresponsive.

Note: We will only send a Nudge to the candidates that don’t respond to your message. For example, if you send a message to 50 people and 30 people respond to your first message, the nudge will only go out to the 20 unresponsive people.

Step 6 – Add followers

As the creator of the bulk message, you'll automatically be added as follower and receive notifications when candidates respond to the message. You can add multiple followers so that other users with Grayscale access will also be notified by clicking + Add another follower.

If a candidate responds, and you no longer want to receive notifications from them, you can manually unfollow the conversation by clicking the "Unfollow" button.

Step 7 – Schedule your message

Schedule the message to be sent at your desired date and time. The time zone will default to your browser's time settings.

Once completed, you are ready to ship! 🚀

Note: If you don’t have an active ATS integration, you’ll want to upload a spreadsheet of candidates - Help Article here. Once you upload a list, you will be able to search the list in the “Audience” field, and follow the same steps outlined above.

Your Bulk Messaging Dashboard

Once you've created your first Bulk Message, you'll notice it populated in the Dashboard. This view will allow you to see all upcoming and sent message, with the ability to filter in the following ways:

  • By sender

  • By status

  • By time sent

Cancel a Pending Bulk Message

Head over to your Bulk Messages dashboard and find the message you're looking for

  1. Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the message

  2. Click Cancel Message

  3. Confirm that you want to Cancel Message and you're good to go!

Cancel Pending Nudges

First, head over to your Bulk Messages dashboard:

  1. Find the message you're looking for (be sure to change the filter to All statuses or Sent)

  2. Click on the three vertical dots to the right of the message

  3. Click Cancel Nudges

  4. Confirm that you want to Cancel Nudges and you're good to go! Any remaining nudges associated with your bulk message will now be canceled.

✨ Introducing: Bulk Message Executions Tab ✨

Bulk messages now have an Executions tab that will show you exactly who received the message, if they responded, if they opted out, as well as giving you an overview of the message's overall statistics, such as:

  • Number of Responses

  • Response Rate

  • Response Time

  • Number of Messages Sent, and

  • Percent of recipients who've opted out

Ready to dive in?

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