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How to run (and file!) the monthly RRC PR Form reporting tool...
How to run (and file!) the monthly RRC PR Form reporting tool...

This article shows you how to prep and create a file you can upload directly to the Texas Railroad Commission website!

Greg Archbald avatar
Written by Greg Archbald
Updated over a week ago

First, if you haven't laid the groundwork and set up your Operator Name, Operator Number, and added the required info for your Texas-based leases please do so by following along here.

Second, if you've got a large amount of Oil Sales, Gas Sales, Dispositions and the like to import – check out how to use our bulk Excel import template here.

Assuming you've already built it the necessary info for each Texas-based Lease, to prepare and run your Texas RRC report for the month simply go to Reports (left tab) > State & Government Reports (top tab) > and select 'Run' on the report that reads 'Texas RRC'.

To begin, if you have more than one filing Operator profile, please first select with which filing Operator you'd like to work (if you only have a single filing Operator profile, than it should auto-select itself πŸ™‚:

After selecting with which filing Operator profile you'd like to work, you'll now be presented with a report that includes a series of tabs from which we can add, edit, and review our production info for the month!

To begin, first select the Month and Year for which you'd like to report:

Next, we move from Left to Right through each of the following tabs adding and review information on which to report:

  1. Liquids Discrepancy *NEW*

  2. Lease Info

  3. Oil Sales

  4. Oil Dispositions

  5. Gas Volumes

  6. Gas Dispositions

  7. Review & Run

PR Tool Tip 1: ✨Before we dive into each tab, please note there's a 'Save' button in the top right corner of the PR tool... sometimes we must go search for a piece of information before continuing – other times it's simply time for lunch! πŸ₯ͺ

That said, while the system is continually saving your work every few minutes, it's a good idea to simply select 'Save' to make sure to save your progress.

​PR Tool Tip 2: ✨if ever you're unsure what a specific Column header means, many times you'll find a blue 'info tool tip'.Β 

Essentially, we've baked in definitions directly from the RRC into each header from which to reference on your monthly PR report duties.

To expose the official explanation, simply hover over the tooltip and click:

With that, let's dive in! πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ



The first tab that might show is the Liquids Discrepancy tab. This tab will only show if you have a liquid discrepancy that needs to be rectified in your numbers. The purpose of this tab is to give you a quick overview of any discrepancies and on which batteries the discrepancy resides.

Again, this is designed to make quick work of Leases whose production totals and dispositions simply don't balance.

If you see the Liquid Discrepancy tab, simply click over to your Oil Sales or Oil Dispositions tab and update those numbers...

Lease Info:

This first tab is simply set up as a way to review and edit any information that may have changed between months for a particular Lease. Any missing data will be highlighted in red.

For example, maybe you're operating a Lease under a 'Drilling Permit Number' or 'API Number' as opposed to an 'Oil Lease Number'. This is the tab through which you'll need to update this information before continuing with the other tabs.

Once the information is updated how you want it, simply move on to the next tab!

Oil Sales:
The Oil Sales tab is where you'll add the official Oil Sales information you receive from your Oil Purchasers.

To fill this out, simply add any Sales from Truck, Pipeline, Tank Car or Barge. You can choose whether to import sales from your Sales Tickets or your Purchaser Sales Import.

After adjustments for Temperature, Quality, and the fact that the Operator seems to always get the short end of the stick after the shake-out (sigh... πŸ™„), we'll expect slight losses in our production totals.

And, while a 1 - 2% discrepancy is normal anything greater than 2% should most definitely be reviewed – after all, it is YOUR OIL!! πŸ›’βš–οΈ

Finally, be sure to complete Sales entries for all Leases – otherwise, you won't be able to report on those Leases.

Once everything has been reviewed, move on to the next tab!

​Oil Dispositions:

Each month, volume dispositions that fall outside the normal Production, Sale, and Stock components of the Lease take place. And, RRC requires that we report them.

Liquid dispositions from Net Tank Cleaning, Circulating, Lost Oil, Sedimentation, and Road Oil are all a part of operating and oil & gas lease. Also, many of these dispositions will require a Remark.

To make sure your Lease Production balances each month without any discrepancies, simply fill out any Dispositions that occur at the Lease before moving on to the next section.

Once everything has been reviewed, move on to the next tab!

​Gas Volumes

The Gas Volumes tab operate very similarly to the Oil Sales tab.

Basically, the Gas Volumes tab is where you'll add the official Gas Volumes information you receive from your Gas Purchasers.

To fill this out, simply add any MCF as Reported by Purchaser from your gas sales statement:

Notice that any MCF as Reported by Purchaser totals that don't equal Gas Formation Production (as reported by the Pumper) will be highlighted in red for your review!
Once everything has been reviewed (and any gross volume production discrepancies have been sussed out 🧐), simply click 'Next' and move on to the next tab!

​Gas Dispositions

Each month, volume dispositions that fall outside the normal Production and Sale components of the Lease take place. And, RRC requires that we report them.

Gas dispositions from Transmission Lines, Processing Plants, Gas being Vented or Flared and the like are all a part of operating an oil & gas lease. Also, many of these dispositions will require a Remark.

To make sure your Lease Production balances each month without any discrepancies, simply fill out any Dispositions that occur at the Lease before moving on to the next section.

Once everything has been reviewed, move on to the next tab.

​Review & Run

Now, it's time to pull everything together and see how things shake out!

On this tab, you'll be presented with all your Production, Oil Sales, Stock on Hand at both beginning and end of month – everything we'd (traditionally) need to balance our Production Report!

Fortunately, GreaseBook is going to do a lot of the heavy lifting for us! πŸ’ͺ🏻

Basically, from experience we know that (while close) our production in the field never balances out – many times we're always a barrel or two off.

That said, we've simplified our calculations by calculating your production by taking the closing stock on hand minus the opening stock on hand plus the sales.

This is simply designed to reduce much of the work that these all-to-common variations in production tend to present us as operators.

Finally, from time to time we see operators who for whatever reason simply don't want to file production of a particular Lease. And, we respect that!!

That said, to not include a Lease from your monthly filing, simply click the box at the far right side of the Tab beneath the column entitled 'Exclude':

Once you've reviewed your production totals, made the necessary adjustments, and now everything shakes out, you're ready to file!

Simply click 'Run' in the upper right hand corner of the RRC PR tool and let'er rip!!! πŸ”₯

The RRC PR form filer tool will now run and download an EDI file from which you can upload directly to the RRC site here:

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