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GreaseBook 101: Reports Component

Article 3 of 8 in our "GreaseBook App: 101" welcome series for Executives, Management, and Office Staff...

Marlee Rose avatar
Written by Marlee Rose
Updated over a week ago

Through the Reports Component, you'll be presented with all reports available to your company.

Each report falls into 1 of 4 categories:

  1. On Demand

  2. Integrations

  3. Scheduled

  4. State & Government


To produce an On-Demand report, simply select:

  1. The Report you want to run

  2. The date range for your report (Start Date and End Date),

  3. Select which Facilities you'd like to include in your report (you'll see this can be done by either selecting Facilities one by one, Facility Groups, or a list of Facilites pumped by a particular Pumpers...)

  4. Finally, click 'Download' to the far right side of the screen on the type of report you'd like to produce and 'poof!' – your report will automatically download to your browser.

Side Note: if a report is too large to download to your browser window or will simply take too much time to generate, you'll be presented with the option to email yourself your report as soon as it's completed its processing!


GreaseBook is well on its way to becoming the de facto production platform for small and mid-sized operators.

That said, we recognize there are several tools and platforms with which me must integrate.

Through the Integrations tab, you'll find several systems with which we integrate (Accounting Systems, Engineering tools, and the like...)

If you're using a particular system and don't see it here, there's a good chance we already integrate with it and simply need to turn it on for you.

Either way, if you have a recommendation or would like to see something in particular, please let us know!

We're adding new integrations all the time... and if it benefits you, it'll most likely benefit many of the other oil & gas operators on the platform, too.

Scheduled Reports

Scheduled Reports are simply automated reports which eliminate the need to manually compile, generate, and send out reports to Management and other Stakeholders.

After clicking into Scheduled Reports simply click 'Add Scheduled Report' in the upper right hand corner of the screen:

Next, simply:

  • Name your report & select the report you want to send out

  • select which Facilities or Facility Groups you'd like to include in the report

  • set a Schedule of the frequency you'd like the report sent out (daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly, yearly....)

  • add Delay (this is particular handy in case you'd like to give you and your team a little breathing room to review your numbers before firing out a Scheduled Report to third parties...)

  • set the Start Date on which you'd like the reports to begin sending

  • and finally, add the emails of the Recipients to who you'd like to send this report

Finally, simply select 'Save' and that's it!

Side note: if at anytime you'd like to update or edit the parameters of your Scheduled Report, simply (1) select 'Edit' icon on the far right side of the screen on the Scheduled Report which you'd like to update, (2) make your changes, and (3) select 'Save'.

State & Government Reports

Part of being the de facto production platform for small and mid sized producers, we recognize that given the data the GreaseBook collects in your operations, there are several State & Government Agency reports which we can simply automate for you.

Through the State & Government Reports tab, you'll find several Commission and Agency reports which we produce.

If you're using a particular report and don't see it here, there's a good chance we already produce it and simply need to turn it on for you.

Either way, if you have a recommendation or would like to see something in particular, please let us know!

We're adding new State & Government Reports all the time... and if it benefits you, it'll most likely benefit many of the other oil & gas operators on the platform, too.

At this point, it's OK to admit you're gonna like us 😁

Now, let's move onto how to set up new Users and Facilities as well as assign permissions by clicking the button below... πŸ‘‡

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