๐ The Greenly platform gives you access to advanced analytics of your emissions and progress in your Climate strategy.
This data is presented in the form of dashboards.
๐ Unlock dashboards
Generic dashboards will be unlocked on your account.
Your Climate Expert can also design and add specific dashboards to your account.
You can navigate between these dashboards using the top-side menu in the Advanced Analytics page of the platform.
โ๏ธ Specific dashboards
Your Climate Expert can also create specific dashboards in your Greenly account.
Their goal can be:
visualizing your emissions according to your specific organization (entities, families, etc.);
modeling emission reduction scenarios;
planning a decarbonization trajectory;
โ๏ธ Dashboards' features
You have several options to interact with your dashboards.
Detailed figures when hovering your mouse.
Filtering the diagrams.
Export the data.