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Greenly Score - Point Distribution

Detailed breakdown of the Greenly Score

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over 5 months ago

Creating & fine-tuning your Greenhouse Gas report (40 points)

Carrying out a Greenhouse Gas inventory is an essential step in launching your climate strategy. It enables the company to identify its main emission sources and the levers available to reduce its footprint.

The 40 points awarded depend on your progress on the platform:

  • 17 points are unlocked once your GHG report is published by your Climate Expert. The steps to achieve this are listed in the dashboard.

  • 3 points are awarded for transparency. Transparency is key to promote GHG Inventories and monitor your emissions. These points include 1.5 points for publishing the report on a public platform (e.g. CDP, ADEME) and 1.5 points for communicating results with stakeholders and customers.

  • The final 20 points are awarded based on the accuracy of your GHG inventory. Accuracy can be improved by implementing activity-based studies for your most significant emissions sources (e.g. buildings, purchases, IT equipment, business travels, etc.). To improve your Score, contact your Climate Expert, and they will suggest studies that are the most relevant to you.

Climate targets (4 points)

Using methodological frameworks such as the Science Based Targets framework enables a company to define and share its climate targets. This also helps the company define a long-term strategy and identify the action plans that should be prioritized.

The points awarded are proportional to the percentage annual reduction you have set. Points also depend on the type of reduction: absolute emissions (%tCO2e), emissions per revenue (%tCO2e/$ of revenue) or per employee (%tCO2e/employee).

Points are only added to your score if you communicate your targets publicly. For example, this could be through a campaign on social media or on your website.

Action plans (36 points)

Your GHG inventory is only the first step of your climate strategy. What's most important next is to take action by launching a reduction trajectory and implementing an action plan to reduce your emissions.

  • 24 points are awarded by comparing the actions you implemented to reduce your GHG emissions with the ideal reduction trajectory of your sector that is aligned with a 1.5 °C economy. For more information, discuss actions that you can implement with your Climate Expert.

  • A further 12 points are awarded on the basis of supplier engagement. To ensure that emissions are reduced throughout your value chain, Greenly encourages companies to contact all its suppliers via Greenly's supplier engagement programme. The points are awarded according to the share of suppliers engaged (in proportion to your expenses).

Engaging and raising awareness among employees (10 points)

Raising your employees' awareness on climate related topics is an integral part of your climate strategy.

You can earn points by:

  • Presenting the process and the results of your GHG Inventory internally (4 points). To facilitate this task, resources are available on your dashboard.

  • Regularly sharing resources (4 points). These points will be awarded if you regularly (at least once a month) share climate change mitigation and adaptation resources within your company. Greenly climate quizzes are an option to achieve this, but you can reach out to your Climate Expert if you prefer using another mean.

  • Organizing recurring workshops and events (2 points). Organizing recurring workshops and events is crucial if your climate strategy is to become an integral part of your corporate culture. Full points will be awarded if these events are organized at least once a year. For example, Greenly can organize a Climate Workshop, but you can reach out to your Climate Expert if you prefer implementing other options.

Climate contribution (10 points)

Contributing to carbon sequestration or emissions avoidance programs plays an essential role in complying with the Paris Agreement and achieving global carbon neutrality.

The United Nations pathway to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 includes increasing the capacity of carbon sinks. Companies are therefore encouraged to contribute up to 10% of their emissions to carbon capture and storage projects or to carbon reduction projects.

2 points are awarded for a contribution of at least 10% of Scope 1 & 2 emissions, and an additional 8 points for a contribution of at least 10% of Scope 3 emissions.

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