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💸 The Different Transaction Categories

Get a complete overview of all purchase categories thanks to a full tree structure.

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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over 10 months ago

Sometimes, choosing the right transaction category that fits your expense can be difficult. You may wonder if the transaction category you chose is the correct one

or have the feeling of missing out on a category you haven't seen.

For that reason, we have combined all our categories in one list. To access it, you can follow this link.

You wish to add your own emission factors? This isn't possible yet. However, you can still submit them either by your account manager or by contacting Our Research & Methodology team will look into it

💡 Notions to have

As some categories are particularly similar, let us help you choose the right one:

Cloud servers or physical servers?

  • Cloud Servers (shared hardware): To categorize your transactions related to cloud services, whether you are utilizing shared instances or a pay-per-use service, make sure to apply the emission factor for Cloud Servers (shared hardware).

  • Physical servers (non-shared hardware): For dedicated servers rented on a monthly or yearly basis, irrespective of their location within a cloud service provider's data center, such as OVH, make sure to select the emission factor associated with Physical Servers (non-shared hardware).

Professional services, freelance, engineers, or architects services?

  • Professional Services emission factor: Use it to categorize your transactions related to a service similar to consulting, auditing, or other office-based activities. It is calculated based on the carbon intensity of companies such as Deloitte, EY, or Capgemini.

  • Freelance Mission factor: Use it to categorize your transactions with office-based contractors, this time as self-employment.

  • Engineering or Architectural Services emission factor: use it to categorize your transactions with service providers in high-emitting industries, such as construction or printing.

Fuel of Fuel (freight)

These two factors are based on the same calculation methodology and are used to differentiate your business travel emissions from your freight emissions. The Fuel (Freight) factor should only be used in the latter case.

Storage space or Storage and ancillary transport services?

  • Storage Space factor: Use it to categorize your transactions related to the lease or purchase of storage space managed by your company.

  • Storage and ancillary transport services emission factor: Use it to categorize transactions related to a service provider to manage your storage space and ship your goods.

Postal services or Inbound / Outbound road freight?

"Postal services" vs "Road freight Inbound/Outbound"

  • Postal services: Use it to categorize transactions related to mail, letters or small parcel postage (a few kilograms).

  • Road freight Inbound and Road freight Outbound: are to be used to categorize freight-related transactions. For instance, it should be used when one uses and pays a carrier (e.g. FedEx). It should be used for goods that cannot be handled by postal services.

"Road freight Inbound" vs "Road freight Outbound" :

The choice between "Road freight Inbound" and "Road freight Outbound" depends on whether the cost (fuel, vehicles, etc.) is borne by the organization (inbound) or not (outbound).

  • "Road freight Inbound" corresponds to:

  1. Category 12 "Upstream transport and distribution" (Scope 3) of the old French regulatory methodology (BEGES v4)

  2. Sub-category 3.1 "Upstream transport" of the new French regulatory methodology (BEGES v5)

  3. Scope 3 category 4 "Upstream transportation and distribution" of the GHG Protocol

  • "Road freight Outbound" corresponds to:

  1. Category 17 "Downstream transport and distribution" (Scope 3) of the old French regulatory methodology (BEGES v4)

  2. Sub-category 3.2 "Downstream transport" of the new French regulatory methodology (BEGES v5)

  3. Scope 3 category 9 "Downstream transportation and distribution" of the GHG Protocol

Advertisement: Offline, Online or Both?

There are 4 monetary emission factors for advertisement. Each one being more or less specific. The methodology used to compute them also differ.

The Advertisement | Generic emission factor should be used when the expense corresponds to both offline and online ads, or when the user cannot identify the type of ads corresponding to the expense. This ratio was computed using an input-output model by the French Environment Agency (ADEME) for the category 'Service - Advertising' ('Service - Publicité').

The Advertisement | Online emission factor should be used when the vast majority of the expense corresponds to online ads. This ratio was computed by Greenly by estimating emissions resulting from data storage, data transfer and user devices.

The Advertisement | Online | Google and Advertisement | Online | Facebook emission factors should be used when the vast majority of the expense corresponds to online Google or Facebook ads. This ratio was computed by dividing the company's Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by its annual revenue.


  • Manufactured goods: This factor should be used to categorize your transactions related to the purchase of objects that require assembly or have been produced industrially. This is a broad category that can be used when the transaction does not fit into any specific category.

  • Activities of Non-Profit Organizations: Use this factor to categorize your transactions related to funding or membership in outside associations or organizations.

For more information, you can reach us via the Chat on the bottom right of the platform.

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