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My Suppliers: advanced analytics

This article aims to help you follow the progress and results of your sustainable procurement strategy

Riane avatar
Written by Riane
Updated over 9 months ago

To mitigate environmental impact and achieve sustainability targets, it's essential to identify which suppliers contribute most significantly to your emissions.

To start, go to Suppliers > Advanced analytics: four different dashboards analyzing the results of your sustainable procurement can be found, with a focus on your suppliers:

  • Your most emissive suppliers

  • Engagement Status

  • CDP & SBTi engagement analytics

  • Greenly score

Note: these dashboards are interactive! You can click on one graph to filter the others based on the response category you clicked on.

1. Your most emissive suppliers

This page will help you:

  • Detect quickly which suppliers have the biggest impact on your emissions

  • See how many suppliers are Greenly-certified and how much emissions they represent

  • Analyse emissions concerning their expenses

The suppliers are also represented by their potential certificates so you can know which one could improve their score and put in place more sustainable strategies. This certification indicates a supplier’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

Understanding the correlation between emissions and expenses is essential for cost-effective environmental management. You can filter the graphs to find a specific supplier in the list (especially if they aren't the first 20) to know their emissions and the expenses related to them. To do so you can either filter by the suppliers' name or the buyers' email address.

2. Engagement status

On this page a dashboard that analyzes your progress allows you to quickly get an idea of:

  • The number of suppliers contacted and scored;

  • Their sectoral and geographical distribution;

  • The number of suppliers rated per week, and more.

3. CDP & SBTi engagement

The CDP & SBTi tab shows the number of suppliers engaged in CDP & SBTi, their SBTi status, and the distribution of CDP scores by sector.

4. Greenly Score

In the Greenly Score tab, you can see the average score of all your suppliers, overall, by industry or geography, the score letter distribution by industry, the list of your highest and lowest scoring suppliers, and more.

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