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My Suppliers: Engage in Sustainable Procurement
My Suppliers: Engage in Sustainable Procurement

All ressources you may need to engage your suppliers

Sustainable Procurement on the Greenly Platform

A detailed guide into launching Sustainable Procurement on your Greenly account

🚀 What is Sustainable Procurement and why launch it?You will find here details on what is supplier engagement
🧭 Sustainable Procurement : step-by-step guideA comprehensive guide to start your sustainable procurement journey
🔍 What is the content of the supplier questionnaire?A complete review of what your suppliers can expect
📈 Supplier engagement: Template emailMaximize your suppliers' response rate by notifying them using this template
Link your transactions to your suppliers
My Suppliers: advanced analyticsThis article aims to help you follow the progress and results of your sustainable procurement strategy
💯 How is my suppliers' Greenly score computed?A breakdown of all the points of the Greenly score
Streamline Your Climate Strategy with Supplier-Specific Data and Greenly AutomationsThis is a concise guide on leveraging supplier-specific data to improve GHG emissions reporting.
🔎 How can clients be scored based on public data?A throughout review on how clients are scored based on their public disclosures
Supplier Data: The Types of Information You Can RequestGreenly offers different types of supplier data collection to meet various reporting needs and compliance requirements.
How to Add Supplier Information in Your Data Collection Files: A Complete GuideLearn why integrating supplier data into your collection files is essential for precise GHG emissions reporting.