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Methodology "Employee Survey V3"
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Written by Support @Greenly
Updated over 9 months ago

The survey focuses on three main topics: commuting, remote working, and meals, with an additional consideration for waste.


Commuting is a significant factor for the environmental footprint. The survey captures the total distance traveled by each employee to and from work, considering various means of transport such as walking, biking, scooter, metro, train, and car. To ensure accuracy, the following elements are factored in:

  • Modes of Transport: Different means of commuting are accounted for, each with specific emission factors.

  • Carpooling and Fuel Types: For car users, emissions are adjusted based on the number of carpoolers and the type of fuel used.

  • Survey Responses and Proxies: Emissions are first calculated from survey responses. For unanswered surveys, we use proxies based on an INSEE study and the number of employees reported in each building, considering the city type to estimate distances and modes of transport.

Remote Working

Remote working has become more and more common and so it is important to consider one's impacts. The survey addresses this by:

  • Working Days at Home: Employees report the number of days they work from home.

  • Energy Considerations: The heated surface area and the energy source used at home are taken into account.

  • Survey-Specific Data: Only employees who answer the survey and specify remote working are included in this calculation, without using any proxies.


For clients following the Bilan Carbone methodology (optional for Greenhouse Gas Protocol), the survey also evaluates the emissions from employees' meals, which includes:

  • Daily Lunch Emissions: Emissions are calculated for one meal per working day, both on-site and remote.

  • Type of Lunch: The survey considers the type of lunch (vegan, vegetarian, red meat, white meat, fish) to provide accurate emission data.

  • Reporting Standards: These meal emissions contribute to other emissions for BEGES V5 and GHGP. So they are not part of the Carbon Footprint of the company, but can be included in the report to enhance reduction actions and raise awareness.


Each employee is associated with an automatic amount of waste, and the calculations are based on:

  • Building Module Data: Waste emissions are derived from the number of employees in the building module. The company profile employee count and survey responses do not impact this calculation.

By leveraging detailed survey responses and reliable proxies, we aim to accurately assess and manage our environmental footprint. This robust methodology ensures that we capture the true impact of our employees' activities and make informed decisions to foster sustainability within our organization.

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