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Employee survey: Extrapolation of answers

This article aims to explain how results extrapolation is done for employees who haven't answered the survey.

Riane avatar
Written by Riane
Updated over a month ago

The results of the survey are extrapolated using sectorial data to match the number of employees declared in the "Company Information" page.

This means we do not specifically extrapolate the answers of your company's employees.

Example for commute:

  1. We first calculate the ratio of answers (total number of employees having answered / total number of employees in profile);

  2. We then take the number of employees of each building (let’s say 100 employees);

  3. We multiply by the company-wide answer ratio (let's say we have a 75% answer rate so 25 employees haven’t answered for this building);

  4. For these 25 employees, we then use the 'city size' field in the Building module to determine average commute emissions;

  5. We apply this for all buildings;

  6. The assumption is that all employees not counted in your buildings are fully remote and thus don't generate commute emissions.

If you have any questions, please contact the Support Team at

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