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Top Carriers and Capacity on Tap
Top Carriers and Capacity on Tap

View details on rates from carriers in your network and capacity partners

Updated over 7 months ago


Greenscreens' Capacity on Tap feature shows you the top recent carriers from your network. It's there to help you choose the best carrier and connect with them easily.

Here you can view recent rates and contact information from your top carriers. You can also request a bid right from the widget. You can find Capacity on Tap on the Rates tab when you request a rate, just below Short Term History.

The Capacity on Tap widget also lets you add tabs for capacity partners such as CargoChief, Freightfriend, Highway, and

Adding capacity partners lets you view rates and request bids from particular partners to help you build strong relationships.

The Top Carriers list is available by default. Capacity partner tabs will need to be enabled.

Top Carriers

Top Carriers are carriers from your network who have moved the load for your brokerage over the past 60 days.

The Top Carriers section includes details about volume, price point, and the last shipment the carrier moved for you, along with contact information.

Filtering and Sorting

The toggle at the top right lets you change the geographical range for the list, so you can see carriers who have moved loads for you in the general area.

A green dot on a toggle button means that data is available at that level:

You can sort Top Carriers by number of loads or last shipment date:

Capacity Partner Tabs

Your capacity partners now have their own tabs, where you can view information about a partner's available capacity and request quotes. With a subscription to one or more of our integrated Capacity Partners, your team will have access to pre-sorted carriers and even external capacity, right from your Rates page.

With Capacity on Tap, you can:

  • Ditch the loadboard and save money on capacity acquisition and pricing

  • Save time finding good carriers

  • Minimize tail risks, such as dealing with fraudulent carriers

  • Get better data and clarity on carriers for volatility control

  • Build stronger carrier relationships

We’ll be adding more capacity partners in the future. If there are capacity solutions that you currently subscribe to and would like integrated into this feature, please let your analyst or Customer Success Manager know.

You can view available capacity partners by clicking Capacity Integrations at the top right of the Capacity on Tap widget:

Enabling Capacity Partner Tabs

To enable Capacity on Tap partner tabs, talk to your Customer Success Manager. To integrate information from one of our supported capacity partners, you'll need to engage with the partner directly.

Navigating Capacity Partner Tabs

When you subscribe to a capacity partner in Capacity on Tap, you'll see them listed on a tab at the top of the widget.

Clicking the link at the bottom of the Partner’s tab will take you to their website for more carrier information:

Requesting a Bid

You can request a bid from the Capacity on Tap widget, either from the Top Carriers list or from a capacity partner.


How do I know which capacity partners to choose?

The short answer is they are all great and you should engage with each directly. You know your brokerage best, and you'll best be able to discern who may be the best for you. You might choose to partner with multiple carriers to cover different gaps in your process. For info on how currently available partners will appear in Capacity on Tap, see our currently supported partners.

Does Greenscreens charge extra for Capacity on Tap?

Nope. Once you've contracted with a capacity partner, we'll add them to Capacity on Tap with no additional charge from us.

Is Capacity on Tap available in my TMS or via API?

Not yet. We're working on making it accessible via the TMS integration bundle. We'll keep you updated.

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