Pricing Rules

Automate a custom pricing strategy for your brokerage

Updated over a week ago

Overview allows you to create custom rules for freight pricing and automatically apply them to your Target Sell Rate. You can set Pricing Rules for several different conditions, including customer, lane, and length of haul. You can base rules on multiple conditions and even create automatic discounts.

Recent Pricing Rule enhancements empower you to optimize your pricing strategies and allow GS analysts to gain valuable insights into the business outcomes driven by markup rules. GS can then feed back decision-making tools to your team to make you more effective at capturing top line value.

Creating Pricing Rules

There are two kinds of Pricing Rules:

  • Combination Rules are cumulative. If multiple Combination Rules apply to a lane and shipper, all of the rules will affect the rate.

  • Priority Rules override all other Pricing Rules, so that only the Priority Rule affects the rate. For our first example, we'll set up a Priority Rule:

Creating a Priority Rule

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right corner of your screen and select Pricing Rules:

  2. Click Add Rule:

  3. In the pop-up window, click Priority Rule:

  4. Enter a Name for the rule. The best practice here is to include the condition and markup in the name, so you can find it again quickly.

  5. Click the Customers field and select all the customers to which the rule should apply. If you want the rule to apply to all customers, just click the X on the upper right of the Customers field to dismiss the condition:

  6. To add a condition to your rule, click +Add Condition:

  7. Select the condition from the pop-up list:

  8. When your conditions are set up, enter a Final Markup percentage or amount, or click Final Sell Rate (available only for Priority Rules) to set a flat rate for shipments covered under the rule:

  9. Since this is a Priority Rule, you can set a priority number. Priority rules will apply in order. For instance, if a shipment meets the conditions for two rules with priorities of 1 and 3, the rule with a priority of 1 will apply:

  10. Click Save Rule. Your new rule will appear on the list of Pricing Rules under the Priority Rules tab.

Creating a Combination Rule

Click the user icon in the upper right corner of your screen and select Pricing Rules:

  1. Click Add Rule:

  2. In the pop-up window, select Combination Rule:

  3. Enter a Name for the rule.

  4. Click the Customers field and select all the customers to which the rule should apply. If you want the rule to apply to all customers, just click the X on the upper right of the Customers field to dismiss the condition:

    To add a condition to your rule, click +Add Condition:

  5. Select the condition from the pop-up list:

  6. When your conditions are set up, enter a Final Markup percentage or amount. To create a discount instead, just enter a negative number:

  7. Click Save Rule. Your new rule will appear on the Pricing Rules list under the Combination Rules tab:

Rule Conditions

You have several options when you add a condition:

  • Commodity lets you apply an extra markup or discounts to deliveries of a particular commodity:

    If you don't usually identify loads by commodity, you can find the option on the Rates tab by clicking Show Additional Parameters and entering a commodity for the load:

  • Confidence Level lets you automatically adjust your rates to account for varying Confidence Levels in rate predictions:

  • Customers lets you assign fees or discounts to particular shipping customers. You can only choose customers who are already in your system:

  • Equipment Type allows for pricing based on vehicle type:

  • Lanes means you can add a markup to any specific lane based on origin, destination, or both. You can add multiple origins and destinations.

  • Length of Haul lets you customize discounts and markups by mileage:

  • Matching Time is the time between when the prediction is run and the pickup time specified in the prediction. It can parse out pricing low or high, matching time/lead time freight.

  • Transit Time allows you to automatically adjust price based on the time it will take to deliver a load:

  • Users means you can set markups that will apply only when specific members of your team are running the prediction:

  • Weight lets you apply markups and discounts by load weight:

Viewing and Editing Pricing Rules

You can find all of your rules listed on the Pricing Rules page, with Priority Rules and Combination Rules on their own tabs:

To edit a rule, just click Edit in the corresponding row. You can add and remove conditions, change values and markups, or edit priorities.

Turning Rules off and On

You may want to turn a rule off temporarily instead of deleting it. Click Edit to open the rule, and use the switch at the upper right to turn the rule on or off:

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