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Settings: Notification Templates

What can I do in the notification templates settings?

Grete Jeltsov avatar
Written by Grete Jeltsov
Updated over a week ago

Triggered push-notifications πŸ“³

GSMtasks triggered based notifications can be used to
​boost customer satisfaction or even for marketing purposes.

Accessing notification templates settings βš™

Push the cogwheel icon on the top right of your screen to open Settings

Choose Notification Templates from the left sidebar.

Here you can create new notification templates and view existing ones.

View or use example notification templates πŸ“ƒ

As you can see, we have created two sample notification templates for you. The first one for when a task has been completed and the other one for when the order is in transit.

You can edit them by clicking on the Edit button under Actions

πŸ“Œ Push-notifications is an add-on function.
To activate the notifications, please contact our support team!

In the notifications templates settings you can also

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