Premium Pricing Plans

Benefits of Habitify Premium. How to purchase it. FAQs about the Premium.

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Written by Habitify
Updated over a week ago

Free Membership

You don't need to pay to use Habitify since the app has a free membership.

However, the usage of free accounts will be limited. You can create up to 3 habits and have a usage quote set for a week.

You can check your usage quotes in Settings > App Usage.

Premium Membership

Upgrading to Premium unlocks all limitations and provides access to advanced features for an enhanced habit-tracking experience. Habitify offers three payment options for Premium Membership:

  • Monthly Subscription: Pay a monthly fee to enjoy Premium benefits.

  • Yearly Subscription: Opt for a yearly payment plan for added convenience.

  • Lifetime Subscription: Pay once for lifelong access to Premium features.

On mobile app, you can view the price in the tab Upgrade on the bottom menu bar or in Settings > Upgrade.

Based on the region of your iTunes or Google account, the price will be converted to your country's currency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a special discount?

Special offers may be available during marketing campaigns. Additionally, we offer a 20% discount for first-time logging into the app on all platforms.

Do you provide a Family-sharing subscription?

Unfortunately, no. Habitify's subscription model is designed for individual use and doesn't support family sharing. Each subscription is tailored for personal use.

Do you have any offers for Students?

Yes, we provide a 50% discount code for all verified students. Learn how to verify your student status in the article Exclusive Student Discount on Habitify.

Can you offer more discounts on the price of a Lifetime Subscription?

The price is the best we can offer for the one-time purchase, but we still need resources to maintain our development team and pay for other services supporting the work with data.

Additionally, the price you see in the Upgrade tap on the phone app is already applied to the pricing policy for each region. For new users, we also offer a 20% discount as well. We do hope you will understand for us this case.

You can also consider the Yearly subscription. It doesn't require big payment as the lifetime immediately while offering a monthly fee cheaper than the monthly subscription.

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