Canceling a subscription

You can change between monthly and yearly subscription

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Written by Habitify
Updated over a week ago

Cancel a Subscription paid via the Website App

Please provide us with one of the following information:

  • The email that you used for payment. Normally, Paddle will send the payment invoice to this email when you complete a payment.

  • The order ID (a.k.a. The receipt #) is mentioned in the invoice sent to you by Paddle.

This information lets us quickly check and help you cancel your subscription. It will take about 24 hours if there is no additional concern.

Cancel a Subscription paid in the Phone App

If you started your subscription via the Play Store (for Android users) or the App Store (for iOS and macOS users), please follow the guide to changing the subscription to an app on the App Store or Play Store.

For iOS and macOS users

For Android users

Refund policy

Your payment method will decide which policy of refund your payment is covered under.

We will not be able to support you further for these two payment methods if Apple or Google rejects your request for a refund.

For the payment via the website app, you can request a refund within 7 days from the payment date. If you have any special circumstances related to the refund, please share them with us. We will do our best to support you the most.

Frequently asked question

I canceled times ago but am still charged today. Why?

In this case, it is more accurate that you still have an active subscription to Habitify Premium. Please note that:

  • Deleting your account is not equivalent to canceling your subscription, no matter which platform you start your Premium membership on.

  • Upgrading to Lifetime is not equivalent to automatically canceling a monthly or annual subscription. You must cancel your renewal plan before purchasing the Lifetime one to ensure you won't be double charged.

  • Every cancellation should be confirmed by an email from the service provider. So if you don't get one, don't hesitate to contact us for further support.

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