How to start a workout plan
To start following a workout plan (add it to your calendar):
Press on the Plans tab
Press the workout plan you want to start
Press the Start Plan button on the bottom of the screen.
Follow the on screen prompts to start the plan.
If you want to customize your rest days, click the Customize option and make sure you select the days you want as your training days and deselect the days you want to be your rest days. NOTE: Power Happens Beginner and Power Happens Intermediate/Advanced have the rest days built into the schedule. Check out this article to manage your calendar in the web browser if you wish to move your rest and workout days around.
How to start a plan on a custom start date
If you would like to start a plan on a different day than Week 1 - Day 1:
Click on the First Workout as shown in the screen shot below
Select the Week and Day on which you would like to start the plan. After you select the day, your selection will be copied into the summary screen.
TIP: If you are using this to restart a plan that you previously stopped and you aren't sure what your last workout was that you completed, go to your calendar in the web browser. Click on the date that you did your last workout. Reference the screenshot below to see where to see which Week and Day that workout was of your plan.
Video Tutorial to Start a Workout Plan
Here is a video tutorial on how to start a workout plan as well: