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Schedule a project review

With project reviews, you can schedule regular reviews and get notified when it's time to review your RAMS. Great for long contracts!

Michelle Kimbler avatar
Written by Michelle Kimbler
Updated over a week ago


With project reviews, schedule when you want to review your RAMS projects. To use it, activate the feature in Settings first and choose the review and notification schedule. Once enabled, you can schedule the review date at the end of the project creation/editing process.

🚨Note: The project reviews feature is only available for Enterprise RAMS plans. Basic, Advanced, and Pro plans do not include this feature.

We created the project review date feature with long-term and scheduled jobs in mind. As clients often want to see RAMS reviewed on a quarterly, bi-annual or yearly basis for long projects and recurring contracts, we have now made it easier to send reminders and see the review status of your documents, all in one place.

Enabling and setting up project reviews

To turn on the feature:

  • Go to Settings

  • Select the Projects* tab

  • Scroll down, and you’ll see the Project reviews feature

  • After selecting the checkbox, you’ll be able to customise the settings.

    • The review frequency is how often projects should be reviewed. Where possible, we will use this frequency to suggest when projects should next be reviewed. Users will have the flexibility to set review dates on either side of this, but they will be warned if exceeding the review frequency.

    • The first reminder is the number of days before the review is due that the reviewer will be notified. The reviewer will receive an email notification, and the review status for the project will turn amber.

    • The second reminder sends a follow-up email to the reviewer. If the review has already been completed, the second email won’t be sent. If you don’t want a second reminder to be sent, set the number of days to be the same as the first reminder.

  • ❗️Once you’re happy with the settings, scroll down and press the Save button and the feature will be enabled. ❗️

A few things to note

  • Only account or division administrators will have access to this section in Settings

  • If your account has multiple divisions, the feature will need to be turned on separately for each division. You can customise the settings for each division.

  • If you turn the feature off, any scheduled reviews will be deleted, and these won’t be restored if you turn the feature back on.

*The projects tab might be called something different, e.g. RAMS, documents, etc depending on your account setup.

Video - how to set up and use Project Reviews

Overview of review status indicators

For any projects with a review scheduled, a status will be shown on the project dashboard as well as the project overview page. There are 3 different states:

Project review status


🟢 Green

The review is not due yet

🟠 Amber

The review is due soon. The reminder email(s) have been sent to the assigned reviewer.

🔴 Red

The review is overdue

On the project overview, hover over the review status to see who the assigned reviewer for that project is.

Scheduling a project for review

Scheduling a review is built into the edit project flow.

For new projects

The option to schedule a review will be shown after completing the method statement step.

(If saving and exiting earlier in the process, the review step will not be shown as the project hasn’t been completed.)

For existing projects

To add a review date to an existing job:

  • Navigate to the project, and click 'Edit project'.

  • The option to schedule a review is shown when clicking "Save & Exit". This is shown alongside the ‘Reason for editing’ input field.

  • To schedule a review, select the ‘Schedule now’ option

  • Choose a review date

  • Select the user who should do the review

Selecting review dates

The project review will be pre-filled with a recommended review date. This is based on the review frequency in your settings, but this date can be changed.

If a date is selected that is beyond the recommended review frequency, a warning message will be shown.

Note: If the review date is not pre-populated, it is likely because:

  • the project dates haven’t been set in project details, or;

  • the project is due to end before the next recommended review.

Assigning a reviewer

To assign a user as the reviewer, start typing, and the matching users will be displayed.

The original project creator and your name will be displayed below in case you want to assign the review to them quickly.

The reviewer is also the person who will receive any notifications.

Video: how to schedule and review a project

Email notifications for project reviews

Email notifications are sent to the assigned reviewer.

They are sent based on the number of days chosen for first and second reminders in Settings.

  • First email is sent when the first reminder is scheduled, and the review turns amber.

  • Second email is sent when the second reminder is scheduled.

  • A final reminder is sent on the day it is due.

  • If the review still hasn’t been completed, an overdue email is sent, and this is resent every two weeks until the review is completed.

Reviewing a project

Once scheduled, a project can be reviewed at any point. You don't have to wait until the status is amber or red.

Starting a review

The review process is built into the edit flow and can be started in one of three ways:

  • By editing a project

  • By editing a section of the document

  • By clicking on the ‘Review’ button for projects that have an amber or red review status.

Completing a review

After editing a project, the final step shows the ‘Reason for editing’ field and has a checkbox underneath to indicate if the entire document was reviewed.

Checking this will complete the review.

After completing the review, you can choose if you want to schedule the next review. This works the same way as scheduling the original review.

Review history

After a review is completed, it is shown in the activity tab. This includes who completed the review and the reason for editing.

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