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Community Dashboard

Harpie's Community Dashboard helps community managers, security consultants, and auditors protect their users.

Noah Chong avatar
Written by Noah Chong
Updated over 11 months ago

Are you responsible for your community's security? With the rampant rise in cybercrime in crypto, it becomes more and more important to shield your community members from these attacks. For every one of your NFT PFP holders, Metaverse Web3 gamers, or Token-Gated chat members that gets hacked, scammed or phished, you lose a user that potentially brings value to your community.

Harpie's Community Dashboard generates a comprehensive security report of your community's members: their wallets, their token approvals, suspicious wallets they've sent crypto to, the tokens and NFTs they hold, and more.

Community Dashboard at a glance


The Security tab is your community's home page. From here you can find out:

  1. How many of your community's wallets are at risk

  2. Your community's smart contract immunity, transaction safety, and activity score

  3. And any urgent security threats that your community is currently facing

Wallets at risk

Harpie categorizes wallets into three major risk levels. From highest risk to lowest risk, they are:

Wallets at Risk of Draining

What does this mean?

Your users:

  • Signed dangerous approvals that could allow a thief to trick a holder to send them their assets.

  • Made transactions with risky addresses that we have verified to be scammers or have suspicious activity.

  • Have been a victim of a known hacking event such as the infamous OpenSea signature attack or other dangerous hacks.

Wallets that have Open Approvals

What does this mean?

Your users:

  • Signed approvals that could allow a thief to trick the holder to send them their assets.

  • Made transactions with risky addresses that have suspicious activity.

  • Have high levels of activity, which expose a holder to more risk.

Wallets with no issues

Your users:

  • Have little exposure to dangerous approvals, do not have suspicious transaction activity, and have not been a victim of a known hack.

  • Are new or secondary wallets with little activity to analyze.


Demographics are where you can find who your community's top holders are, the type of wallet that they have, and more. Need to know if the majority of your holders are whales? Or if your most vulnerable users are those that hold X amount of NFTs?

The Demographics page aggregates usage data across every holder's wallet and can provide you an in-depth look into how they're using their wallet. Wallets can also be "flagged" by our system. These flagged wallets are of particular concern because they have suspicious activity or urgent security threats present. Being able to prioritize these concerns and addressing them quickly provides value to your community and prevents catastrophic security oversights from affecting it.

Mutual Assets

Aside from security-related tooling, the Community Dashboard also provides community management tools. The Mutual Assets tab displays your community's most held tokens and NFTs.

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