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Health and Safety Activity Schedule for Australian Members
Health and Safety Activity Schedule for Australian Members

Helpful guide that shows you how frequently you should be completing health and safety activities like inspections, reviews and more.

Updated over 11 months ago

Staying on top of key health and safety activities such as inspections and reviews doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. Understanding what you need to do and when is crucial to managing health and safety effectively.

We have put together a recommended Health and Safety activity schedule to help you on your way. It's important you consult with your workers on the various Health and Safety activities for the site and company, and agree on frequency, how it will be carried out and who will be the responsible person for completing the activity.

You can record and track health and safety tasks by creating and assigning tasks on the HazardCo Hub or on the App. To learn how to create and complete tasks from the:




Policy and Procedure (P&P) Review


May need to conduct review more frequently such as when changes occur that relate to content needing to be updated in P&P.

HazardCo recommends the Policies are reviewed and re-signed annually.

SSSP review


It's important your SSSP remains up to date and current to reflect the project.

For projects that are shorter in duration HazardCo recommends more frequent reviews.

Conduct Site Review


2 per month minimum

4 per month good practice

Conduct Toolbox Meeting


2 per month minimum

4 per month good practice

Note: If you have a H&S committee, ensure you conduct regular committee meetings (e.g. quarterly or as agreed to by members).

Conduct SWMS

Review SWMS

For any High Risk Construction Work, with regular reviews

Note: A SWMS must be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains effective. SWMS reviews should occur:

  • when an incident occurs relating to the high risk construction work

  • if the work is not being conducted in accordance with the SWMS, then work must stop and the SWMS is reviewed

  • if requested by workers

  • when there are changes to:

    • the high risk construction work process

    • the site work environment, where new or unforeseen hazards and risks are evident

    • the controls

Conduct Risk Assessment

Task dependent

1 per week minimum

1 per day good practice

Conduct Vehicle Check


HazardCo recommends a quick safety check is completed prior to vehicle use to ensure the vehicle is safe to drive and not damaged.

Complete a Health and Safety Check


May need to conduct the check more frequently such as when changes have occurred to the business.

Training Needs Analysis / Training Register review


May need to update the register more regularly, however a formal quarterly review is good practice so that you can arrange and schedule training where required.

Incident Register review


Review your incidents for trends and performance review. Determine if any additional control measures can be implemented.

Emergency Management Plan review


May need to conduct review more frequently such as when changes have occurred on-site or after an emergency has occurred to see if any improvements can be made.

Conduct Site Evacuation Drill


Minimum annually, however it would be best practice to conduct a drill every six months, if possible.

May need to conduct drills more frequently for shorter duration projects or where there have been changes that affect the evacuation process e.g. change of assembly area.

First Aid Kit inspection


Undertake regular checks (after each use or, if the kit is not used, at least once every 12 months) to ensure the kit contains a complete set of the required items (an inventory list in the kit should be signed and dated after each check).

Ensure that items are in good working order, have not deteriorated and are within their expiry dates.

Fire Extinguisher inspection

Bi - annual

Twice per year for extinguisher tag punch, or following visual identification of damage. Note: If it has been used, place it out of service/ remove off site and arrange a replacement.

Emergency Rescue Plan review

Task Dependent

For each high-risk work that requires a rescue plan, it's important it is reviewed and specific to the work prior to the work commencing.

Hazardous Substance Register review


More frequent reviews may be needed such as when new items are purchased or come onto site, or if storage locations change.

Plant, Machinery and Equipment Register review

Bi - annual

More frequent reviews may be needed to keep the register up to date and current with services/ inspections.

Test and Tag electrical equipment


Maintain a register. May be maintained by a third party conducting the tests or managed internally.

PPE Register review

Bi - annual

More frequent reviews may be needed to keep the register up to date and current with services/ inspections.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) review


May need to conduct review more frequently following a request from workers, an incident or where processes have changed.

Manual Handling Risk Assessment review


HazardCo recommends annually however this may be more frequent based on the request of workers, post incident review or where equipment, processes, tasks may have changed.

Conduct Ladder checklist


Where ladders are used on-site, we recommend conducting a ladder inspection every 3-6 months depending on usage. Determine a suitable frequency based on the condition of the ladder, the frequency of use, storage of ladder when not in use etc.

HazardCo also recommends a quick visual inspection is conducted prior to using a ladder.

An inspection is also to be conducted following an incident if a ladder was used, or at the request of workers.

Hazard/ Risks Register


May need to update the register more regularly such as when new hazards/risks are identified or where controls may not be effective.



Be mindful that insurances may expire within the 12 month period and a notification will be sent to update documents.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. Other activities to consider where applicable are plant pre operational checks (e.g. forklift, crane), storage racking inspections, scaffold inspections, audiometric testing, Traffic Management Plans etc.

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