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Lara Mason avatar
Written by Lara Mason
Updated over a week ago

Isla supports the use of structured forms to collect patient data and responses. The forms may be requested from patients via texts or emails, and may be stand-alone or accompany images or videos. Clinical users may request multiple forms at a time, or may fill forms in on behalf of their patients.

The forms available within Isla may include drop downs, numbered scales, or 'body maps', where patients draw on the form to indicate an area of concern. Team or clinic-specific information may also be included, such as a list of doctors to be alerted. The complete list of form options can be found below. Forms may also be divided into separate pages for easy completion.

Where required, forms can include conditional logic, extending to rendering whole forms based on given responses as the patient progresses through a base form.

Forms can be created and edited by the Isla team, and can be created in a matter of minutes, even while teams give feedback and suggestions. Get in touch with us if you're using paper or unstructured forms and we would be delighted to help you digitise your pathway.

Complete list of form field options:

  • Short free text fields

  • Long free text fields

  • Number fields

  • Date fields

  • Drop downs (as single select or multi-select)

  • Radio buttons

  • Check boxes

  • Numbered scales (where you can assign descriptions to maximum and minimum options on the scale, as required)

  • Toggles

  • Body maps (a body image as above where the user can draw)

  • Image fields (similar to body maps but with any image required)

  • Calculated fields (e.g "Question 1 + Question 2")

  • Conditional scoring (e.g "If Question 1 > 60 add 1 to total score)

  • Authenticated form fields (e.g some fields visible to clinicians only)

  • Forms split into sections

  • Table forms to allow users or patients to fill out repeated data entries

If required, sections of the form can be replicated, e.g "Add an additional relative" or "Add an additional medication"

Forms can be structured for patients submitting them, either by headings, or into separate sections for the patient to progress through for longer forms:

Form displays

Isla supports shortened versions of questions being displayed to users, enhancing efficient clinical review. This functionality allows patients to be presented with the full form and users a summarised version, and is configurable at the form level. For more information on this, please reach out to your Isla project lead.

Other useful information:

Follow the links to other helpful articles below.

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