We have the ability to set up custom patient tags for your team(s). Your team(s) will be able to manage cohorts based upon the custom tags configured to that team. This will enable tailored caseload management for each team.
Applying a tag to a patient
A patient tag can be assigned within the patient’s record:
Select the tag icon next to the patient's name at the top left
Select the relevant team in which the tags are in you would like to apply to the patient
View the tags that are currently on the patient
Add / remove a tags on the patient by selecting the tickbox
Each time a tags is added, updated or removed from a patient this is logged. Organisation level admins can see this information via the admin dashboard.
Cohort based patient search
Once a tags has been applied to the relevant patients you can then filter your search for patients utilising the tags on your patient list page.
You can use these filters in combination with custom patient lists to quickly go to frequently used searches that your whole team can utilise. Read more about custom patient lists here.
Turning on tags for your team
If you'd like to set up labels for your team please get in touch with your Isla project manager or via product@islacare.co.uk.
Team level restrictions
Tags can be configured at a team level. Only users within the team the tags have been added to will be able to add / edit / view the tags applied to a patient and refine their patient list based upon those tags. If a user is not within a team with configured tags they will not be able to see tags that those in other teams have applied to a patient.
Tags group options
Each grouping of tags (e.g. risk level) can have multiple tags to be applied (e.g. high, medium or low risk). A grouping of tags can be requested to be configured to be:
Single select - A user can only apply one of the tags within this group per patient (e.g. A patient can only be high or low risk. A patient cannot be high and low risk at the same time.)
Multi select - A user can apply multiple tags within a group per patient. (e.g. A patient can have both Dr Bloggs and Dr Smith as responsible clinicians).