GAFAM Stocks: is the acronym for five popular U.S. technology stocks: Google - Alphabet (GOOG), Apple (AAPL), Facebook - Meta (META), Amazon (AMZN) and Microsoft (MSFT).
GDP (GDP Price Deflator) or GDP price deflator: also known as the implicit price deflator, it measures changes in the prices of all goods and services produced in an economy.
Globalization: refers to the expansion of the exchange of financial products, goods, technology, information and jobs across national borders and cultures.
Grey List: is a list of securities that cannot be traded by the risk arbitrage division of an investment bank. Grey List securities are not necessarily risky or inherently flawed, but are restricted.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given period of time.
Gross interest: is the annual interest rate paid on an investment, security or deposit account before taxes or other expenses are deducted.
Updated over 9 months ago