Rate of Return (ROR): is the net gain or loss on an investment over a given period of time, expressed as a percentage of the initial cost of the investment.
REIT "Real estate investment trust": a real estate investment trust or REIT is a fund that owns, operates or finances income-generating real estate. Some of these you can find on the stock exchange are: Annaly Capital Management Inc (NLY) or W.P. Carey (WPC).
Rejected: the buy or sell order was rejected due to problems with its execution.
Resistance zone: is the upper range of a share price that shows the resistance of the price, the lower range being its support levels.
Retail investor: is a non-professional investor who buys and sells securities or funds containing a basket of securities, such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Risk: changes in investment in response to global economic patterns.
Roll Over: a rollover can involve a number of actions, however, the most popular that can be referred to is the strategy of transferring assets from one retirement plan to another without creating a tax event.
Revenues: Revenues are the total amount of income generated from the sale of goods and services related to the company's main operations.
Russell 2000: the Russell 2000 ("Russell 2k") is an index composed of 2,000 small-cap companies.
Updated over 10 months ago