Create a new Job

How to create a new Job

Ricky Spiroski avatar
Written by Ricky Spiroski
Updated over a week ago

You can create a new HiPeople job by selecting the Jobs button from the left navigation bar and the clicking the purple "Create new Job" button:

⚡ Clicking the “Create a new job” button will lead you to the HiPeople Job Creation wizard, which consists of 3 simple steps:

1. Select modules

At this step, select which product modules you want to use for this job. This will be applied to all future candidates that are added to this job later.

You can read in the description what the product module is about and add it to the job by clicking “Add to the job”.

☝🏼 You need to add at least one product module to create a job.

Module Details - Reference Check

When you select the “Reference Feedback” module, you will see the modal pop-up asking you to specify the details for the process.

Here you can customize:

  • How many days the candidate has to enter their reference's details (in workdays) after they've been invited to do so by the Recruiter.

  • How many days the reference has to complete the reference check (in workdays) after the candidate has invited them.

Next, specify the requirements references should have. You can choose from the five reference types:

  • Manager

  • Peer

  • Direct report

  • Student peer

  • Client

You can also edit the “Alias” field to give more details to the candidate whom specifically they should invite.

Lastly, decide whether candidates should also fill in the reference themselves by toggling on “Self-reference”. The self-reference feature helps compare the candidate’s views on themselves with those of their referees.

After you have provided all the details, click “Confirm” and you'll be returned to the “Select modules” screen. When you have selected all the product modules for this job, click “Next step”.

2. Specify details

🌎 Job Title

First, give the job an External Title. This job title will be referred to in all the communication that candidates, and later, references receive as a part of the evaluation process using HiPeople.


🔍 Internal Job Title

Next, you can optionally give your job an Internal Title. This name appears in the job search and the sidebar.

☝🏼 Tip: you can include useful attributes to the job name here, such as job location, department etc. which will later help you quickly find and identify it.

3. Add team members

In the next step, you can add all users from the Recruiting/Hiring team who should be able to access the results of the candidates within the job. As a Recruiter (full access)/Recruiter you can assign dedicated job permissions to people on your hiring team.


There are two job-level permissions: can manage (Admin) and can view (Viewer).

People endorsed with admin permissions (e.g. coordinators or recruiters working on the same job) can start/pause/archive a job, invite/delete candidates, and send reminders to candidates.

People equipped with the viewer permissions (e.g. hiring managers or hiring panel members), have only viewing rights for the respective job and cannot perform any action on it.

ℹ️ Note: Organization’s permissions will always overwrite the job permission levels. For example, organization’s admins will be able to manage your newly created job.

💡 Tip: We strongly recommend adding Hiring Manager to the job at this stage.

4. Customize candidate portal page

On this final step you can add branding to the invitation screen candidates see when they open the HiPeople invitation link in the invitation email.

Using the Edit text button you can completely customise the text that appears and using the upload a custom image button you can add custom assets to the splash screen to keep this part of the Candidate Experience on brand with your own.

ℹ️ Note: The logo that appears on this page is your company logo which is set within your Organization Settings

5. Customizing and adding modules

Once you've successfully created the job using the green Create job button, you'll see the job page where you can customize the Reference and Assessment modules on the left hand side of the screen:

Check out our in depth articles on References and Assessments for information on how to complete these.

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