Organization settings: Users & Permissions

Instructions on how to edit HiPeople users and their permissions

Ricky Spiroski avatar
Written by Ricky Spiroski
Updated over a week ago

HiPeople has 4 different user permissions levels:

  • Admin: can do everything Recruiter (full access) can do + invite/manage users/permissions & set organization settings (like org image etc.)

  • Recruiter (full access): can do everything the Recruiter can do + edit all content in job creation

  • Recruiter: can create and manage a job and edit its skill questions

  • Hiring Manager: can only view data (jobs/candidates) in HiPeople and not perform any action

To change a users permission level:

  1. Click your organisation logo in the top left corner of any HiPeople screen and select the Users button:

2. On each line, you'll see the users Full Name, Email Address and their current Permissions Level. To change a users Permissions Level, select the drop down list, click the level you'd like to change it to and you'll see a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen confirming the change has been made:

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