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Ashby Integration

How to set up the HiPeople integration with Asbhy

Updated over 11 months ago

Setting up the HiPeople integration with Asbby

  1. On Ashby generate an API key, by clicking the “+ New” button in this page:

2. Give the API key a meaningful name, for example: “HiPeople Integration” and select “HiPeople” as the integration partner from the list

3. Copy the API key and move to HiPeople organization settings:

Scroll down to the integration section, and select Ashby from the list:

4. Click Continue on the screen stating the access policies:

5. Paste the API key generated in Ashby, and click Submit

6. Click proceed on the mapping screen and then Finish Setup

7. Now in the Organization settings, you will see only the configured Ashby integration:

8. For information on how to link specific Jobs in HiPeople to Jobs in Asbhy, check out this article: Integrating a job with your chosen ATS

Asbhy Custom Fields

Our Ashby integration now supports also sending back the scores to Ashby, this can be configured using Custom fields:

  1. Click "+ New" on the top right corner

  2. Add a new field named "HiPeople Assessment Score" with the type of "Number"

  3. Click Create

After that, any candidate added to HiPeople via Ashby, will receive the custom field value when they complete an assessment. Below is an example of a candidate with a score of 30%:

In HiPeople:

In Ashby:

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