You're able to edit/style Assessment Custom Questions in HiPeople when creating a new assessment or editing an existing one.
The styling options you have are below:
To create a new line in your text, simply add two spaces at the end of the line before pressing enter.
Bold Text
To make your text bold, wrap it in two asterisks or two underscores. Like this: **bold text**
or __bold text__
Italic Text
To italicize your text, wrap it in one asterisk or one underscore. Like this: *italic text*
or _italic text_
To include an image, you will first need to host the image yourself. A widely used image hosting platform is imgur where you'll just need to upload your image and then copy the url it generates for you.
Then use the following syntax: ![](<>)
, replacing
with the actual URL of your image.
If the below elements were used in a Custom Question, the screenshot at the end is how the question would appear to the candidate
Please see the attached **image** and answer count how many *cats* you see: ![](